101 Kari Mirabal on NAKED networking

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Kari Mirabal talks about NAKED networking on Sales for Nerds

Networking is both essential and a dirty word for a lot of consultants.

But you can avoid the negatives and reap the benefits of good networking with Kari Mirabal’s advice.

Here’s NAKED networking (make sure you put it in quotes if you google it):

  • Neglect– don’t keep it active because they aren’t currently looking for a job. But what if the company does a layoff? Don’t ever stop (even if you do slow down)
  • Afraid– don’t be afraid to talk to strangers. (Like, Truth, Reframe/recontextualize– what lie are you telling yourself, like that someone doesn’t want to talk to you, etc. What truth can you tell yourself to reframe.)
  • Knowledge (plan– who do you want to talk and why, connect, grow– always be growing your network). SPread out your time into the three different areas.
  • Engage– be yourself, a human, not a robot. Find things you have in common.
  • Dedicate (at least 15 minutes per day) You don’t have time not to network.

15 minutes per day isn’t a lot, but it adds up over time– to much more than what you can invest if you try to block huge chunks of time, but then can’t follow through.

All that, and so much more in this episode.

And if you’re a solo professional, looking to convert networking energy into clients, you’ll want to use Mimiran as an “anti-CRM” to track your referrals, make more connections for others, and ensure flawless follow-up.

The Wine

Reuben is having Domaine Guion Cuvée Prestige Bourgueil Cab Franc from the Loire.

Where to find Kari


Where to find Reuben

@Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com.You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on Android, or Player.fm.

Want a way to make sales and marketing fun, without being “salesy”? Try Mimiran, the CRM for elite solo consultants who love serving clients but who hate “selling”.

Unlike CRMs built for the VP of sales to keep track of a sales team, where contacts are just statistics, Mimiran is built for relationships, networking, and referrals.

(In Mimiran, every contact has an “Ideal Client Profile” and “Ideal Partner Profile”, so it’s easier to make connections for others. You can also track your referrals, and what business resulted. Make follow-up a breeze, and more, with Mimiran’s emphasis on the Relationship part of CRM.)

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Published by

Reuben Swartz

Host and Chief Nerd.