053: Chalmers Brothers on the language of happiness

Chalmers Brothers started out getting an engineering degree before getting his MBA and joining Accenture, but that’s not why he’s here. He’s on Sales for Nerds because he wrote one of the most fascinating books I’ve read, Language and the Pursuit of Happiness. If you haven’t read it, you should, even after you listen to/read this discussion.

This is a bit of a different episode– there are no “sales tactics” or “marketing tips”, but I think you’ll find it very worthwhile– it will change the way you have conversations– both with others, and in your own head.

Chalmers shares wisdom how:

  • We are not hermits, we live with other people (even us introverts).
  • We live in language like fish live in water. We use language not only to describe but to generate our world.
  • We are all unique observers. If we walk down the street with someone else, we will see different things.
  • Leaders (and sales people, and business owners) are paid to have effective conversations. Most of our relationships are conversational, after all.
  • We see with our eyes but we observe with our distinctions.
  • Chalmers is trying to move people away from right/wrong orientation to working/not working.
  • We constantly make assertions about the world (“I am 5 foot 10”)– assertions are statements that someone can verify or invalidate.
  • We also constantly make assessments (“I am short”, “she is reliable”), which are subjective.
  • The big problem is confusing these two types of language, and not realizing that our assessments are not assertions, and that they may be disconnected from reality. (“sales is slimy”, “he is unreliable”).
  • Assessments aren’t bad– they just need to be conscious and have standards and connect assessments to assertions.
  • Declarations are powerful, generative acts (“I am good at sales”/”I am bad at sales”). Are you creating empowering or disempowering conversations with yourself?
  • If you want to design your own life (the only one we’ve got), start by being conscious of your assertions, assessments, and declarations.
  • We sometimes think that “I don’t know” is disempowering, but it’s actually a very powerful declaration, which really means, “I know that I don’t know”, which opens the door to learning. As the world changes faster and faster, the ability to learn becomes more and more important. (Brothers quotes philosopher Eric Hoffer: “In times of change, those who are prepared to learn will inherit the land, while who already know will find themselves equipped to face a world that no longer exists.”)
  • If you’re going to have a difficult conversation, what can you do so that you have the fewest regrets?
  • We use language to collaborate and manage commitments with others via requests, offers, and promises.
  • An effective request has 4 elements: a committed speaker, a committed listener, future action/condition of satisfaction, including a deadline and context, and mood.
  • Such a request has 4 valid responses: yes, no, commit to commit (“have to check my calendar, but I’ll have a response by 5PM tomorrow”), or a counteroffer.
  • Another important distinction is between a promise broken and a silent expectation unmet. If someone breaks a promise, you can make a reasonable complaint, but resentment comes when someone fails to honor a request you never made.
  • Think about what proportion of your interactions at work (and at home) come from clear commitments or from unspoken expectations.
  • Given the results you want, are your explanations serving you? (Events/assertions are not the springboard for actions, it’s the assessments/explanations that we use to interpret them.) If we don’t even know we’re doing this, it’s very hard to get it right.
  • Biology predisposes us to negative interpretations– they helped to keep us alive– that may not serve us well now.

053 Chalmers Brothers on the Language of Happiness.mp3 – powered by Happy Scribe

Love helping your clients, but its sales and marketing, but somehow you ended up with sales and marketing responsibilities. And this is the podcast for you. Hi, chief nerd Reuben Swartz here. And I spent a long time learning these lessons the hard way. And I want to help you learn the easy way by sharing my experiences and talking with brilliant people who have figured out how to hack not just the code, but the sales and marketing process as well.

Of course, as a nerdy person who hated struggling with complex theorems, I had to create my own CRM for people who actually hate selling, which sounds like an oxymoron. But if it sounds interesting to you, check it out at Mimiran.com. That’s M-I-M-I-R-A-N.COM. And whether or not you need a new CRM, you’ll find proposal templates and sample lead magnets to help you grow your business.

Now let’s get to it today.

I’m really excited to have with me Chalmers Brothers. He is the author of Language and the Pursuit of Happiness. Well, that’s actually his first book and the one I’ve read. He’s also the author of Language and the Pursuit of Leadership Excellence. And this these books have been adopted at places like Georgetown and Harley Davidson. He’s been on the speaking circuit for Vistage. But really, it’s kind of funny because somebody recommended language in the pursuit of happiness to me.

And I read it and it was really mind blowing. And then somehow a couple of months later, Chalmers connected with me on LinkedIn. And I thought it was a sign from the universe like, how did he know that I was reading his book and really wanted to come on my podcast. But it took us, I don’t know what, but two years to actually get this thing scheduled.

So he’s finally here and I’m really excited about what he’s got to say. Chalmers, welcome to Sales for Nerds.

Thank you so much. Reuben. It’s a pleasure being with you. And it was a roundabout way of connecting, but we made it happen. So so thanks for the invitation.

Truly awesome. And most importantly, what do you have in your glass?

I have Balvenie fourteen Caribbean cask.

Oh I love that one. It’s got that little bit of rum in it right from the broadcast.

I’m blessed and fortunate to be able to say that my wife and I and four of our dearest friends went to Scotland recently my first time, and I was introduced to the world of Scots in a way that I wasn’t before. And that’s one of the ones that we had over there before the trip. I had not had it, and I really like it. It’s wonderful.

and I’ve got some Oban eighteen, not the the fourteen that I tend to to drink more regularly. But I picked up a bottle of the eighteen recently and it is a lot like the fourteen, but as you might expect, just a little bit mellower. It’s still got that like honey and caramel. But yeah, it’s quite delicious.

So you, you, you have an engineering background and you’d like to say you’re an accidental engineer. Most of the people here are accidental salespeople and we’re not necessarily going to talk about sales per say the way we usually do. But I wanted to talk a little bit about your book, and this is so timely because I’ve been thinking a lot about how the stories we tell ourselves are so important.

And you say a lot of things about language that once you read them, you’re like, oh, that’s so obvious. But why didn’t I think of that before, both in terms of how we speak to ourselves and, of course, how we communicate with other people.

Yes, yes. And I have to say, Reuben, I am standing on gigantic shoulders. Everything in both books really is from my great fortune, from meeting and learning, from two incredible groups of people. One is called the organisation is called Education for Living. It’s in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. And the second one, and more specifically is the new field network in Boulder, Colorado. And I have to say, Julia Aliah is the founder of Nuffield and he is the most influential teacher person in my life.

And a great many of the ways that I understand these distinctions, the way I frame them, I’m sharing my version of what I got taught by Julio. And it’s been I did that work long program in nineteen ninety five called Mastering the Art of Professional Coaching. And since January of ninety six, this is all I’ve been doing. Our program is based on, as you mentioned, right this way of understanding language and more specifically the power of language that if you ask, for example, 100 people, 100000 people, what is language, what does language for the gigantic majority.

Right. Will answer with? Well, a tool for communication or some variation of that and Reuben that is such a widely held way of understanding language that most people don’t see it as a way of understanding language. They see it as a definition of language. And the work that I do now and what I was taught is that language, in addition to, yes, we do describe with language, but in addition to that, there’s a generative capacity to to our thoughts and our speech and is understanding the way in which we create and generate with language that really makes the difference.

When you look at leadership, for example, lots of my work is around leadership, but the same, I think, could be applied to sales. If I ask and I do this all the time in my work, I have a room full of leaders in front of me and I say, guys, when it’s all said and done, what do you get paid to do? Right. I mean, of all the things you have to do in your job as a leader, what are the most important one or two or three things that you say you get paid to do?

And as you might imagine, they answer with things like, I get paid to retain customers, I get paid to shape the culture of the company. I get paid to groom the next generation of leaders to ensure continuous process improvement. I get paid to ensure satisfied customers. I get paid to to drive excellence in execution and innovate and inspire and motivate and coach and listen all these things. And when you actually look at it, what would a camera see you doing as you’re doing all of those things?

Right, what is the human being who is doing all of those things actually doing and when we think about it a little bit, well, that human being is engaging with other human beings, talking and listening leaders get paid to have effective conversations. And I would say the same question could be asked of salespeople of all the things you have to do to be a successful salesperson. Right. Everybody does a thousand different things, and that’s fine. But what are the most important and Reuben your background may be much stronger than me here.

If you ask a bunch of excellent successful salespeople, what are the most important one or two or three things you say you have to do to be successful as a salesperson, what are one or two or three or four things that that they would respond to you with?

Well, I think they would probably say one, two, three and four are all I need to talk to prospects and customers.

Exactly, exactly. And it’s interesting how how obvious this is when we look at it is that it’s about relationships, it’s about relationships. And most of our relationships are not physical. They’re not sexual. They’re conversational.

It’s so funny you mention that I’m literally staring at that highlight right now in my notes because I wanted to make sure we touched on that. And then there’s another sentence and then it says, change them and you change the relationship, stop them and you stop the relationship. And I think that’s a really powerful way to look at it. And we don’t always take the time to be intentional about those conversations.

No, you’re exactly right, you’re exactly right and and broader than that, the framework that I was introduced to it and now is central in the work that I do is broader than that. All organisations themselves, when you really look at them deeply, all organisations can be understood as networks of conversations, networks of commitments, people making and managing promises with each other. Right. Big ones, little ones, informal, formal in writing orally. And once you understand that the company itself is composed of a network.

Of internal commitments, these conversations, again, given the creative dimension of language, they create quantitative and qualitative results. Productivity is the result of very quantitative profitability, obviously, as a result. Very quantitative market share. Absolutely. But your organizational culture is also a result of your public identity, how you show up in the world as a result, the nature of our most important relationships. These are results and any more. When I look at the way my career has evolved over the years, almost all the work I do inside organizations now Reuben, broadly speaking, can be understood to be supporting the leadership team and creating and sustaining the certain type of corporate culture that they say is most conducive to the results that they want to produce.

There is a Peter Drucker years ago, leadership guru, he said culture eats strategy for breakfast. Right. Culture eats strategy for breakfast, and this is largely the work I’m doing now is all about culture work. And for this we don’t need functional or technical competencies. We need conversational, relational and emotional competencies. Right. These are the types of competencies that we need if we’re in the business of shaping this physical but very real thing we call organizational culture.

In fact, lately, a lot of my clients are starting to use the term threshold competencies to refer to functional and technical competencies. But these are considered to be the cost of admission. But this is what it cost to even play the game. What really separates us organization from organization? It has to do with the organizational culture, and this is built by sustained by conversational, relational and emotional competency. So, you know, all of my work is around these these competencies.

All of my clients are way smarter than me functionally and technically, all of my work is around conversations and relations.

Now, could we extend this model or could we include under the the umbrella of organization, a family, a network of friendships, a nonprofit, a church, whatever?

Absolutely. I mean, think about it. There’s a lady up there named Bernie Brown, and she’s a powerful speaker. She’s from Houston, I think, a researcher and extremely motivational. She talks about the power of vulnerability. And she’s widely known and is a spectacular human being. And she talks about human beings are hard wired for connection. Right, I mean, think about it. Language itself is acquired socially. Right, it’s not a quiet as an individual, it’s a quiet if I was born in a different country, of course, I would learn a different language because I was in that society, that culture, this notion in my work, I say that we are not hermits.

Basic claim, right, we are not hermit’s, which means we do already big, big, big chunks of our life already with and through people, and because we’re not hermits, because we do so much of our life with and through people, how you dance with people matters, but how you show up matters. How you coordinate action like this broad definition, big C, big A, how do we coordinate action with all the other non hermit’s that we coordinate action with in our lives?

Because the way that we do this basic coordination of action impacts a huge variety of our quantitative and qualitative results.

Now, one of the interesting things you talk about in the first book, Language of the Pursuit of Happiness, you sort of you you have a lot of you delve into distinctions.

Right. And the more distinctions we can make, the more we kind of understand something as a as an amateur or I get asked all the time, what kind of trees are there in my backyard? And I say, I don’t know, they’re green.

And you mentioned in the book that the forester or the woodcarver or someone else see as those trees completely differently. And one of the things that you say is interesting that I think it’s easy to get sucked into. You talk about different types of thoughts or ways of communicating, and he says non hermit’s, our ability to keep assertions and assessments separate and distinct from each other is critical. And I think that’s really important. But can we talk a little bit about assertions and assessments and why that matters?

I would love to. And in fact, before I do that, I want to go a little bit broader with distinctions, because this is a gigantic topic. What we’re talking about here, Reuben, is the fallacy of objectivity that we do not we are not objective in any way, shape or form. Now, yes, there are certain and we’ll talk about this with assertions there are certain historical and biological facts, but in a broad, broad way, the this notion of the scientific paradigm.

Right, that we we see things as they are. Well, a as you mentioned, a forester and a wood carver do not by definition see the same thing when they look at the same forest. Right, they have different distinctions. My wife is a physician, a Western trained physician and an Eastern trained physician do not see the same thing when they look at the same patient. Right. We observe, we see with our eyes, but we observe through our distinctions.

You give me new distinctions in the domain of forestry. My next walk in the woods is different. Right, you give me new distinctions in the domain of language, my next walk in the world is different, right and right write these distinctions, make us a unique type of observer. So a basic claim in both of my books is that we human beings, by definition, we are unique observers. You and I could walk down the same street at the same time, look at the same things.

And when you ask us afterwards, what did you notice on the trip down the street? We’re going to have a very different report. Right, and and one of us isn’t right and the other one isn’t wrong and Reuben moving people away from this right wrong orientation is one of my central one of my central themes in my life is this notion that and it’s interesting how thickly we come from the right or wrong orientation, the right or wrong background. But to help people understand, you know, you’re not wrong just because you don’t have the same distinctions.

I do. You’re just a different observer. Right. And different observers see different possibilities, can take different actions and produce different results. And one of the most powerful sets of distinctions I was ever shared was ever taught. And now I get to share is assertions and assessments. And so at a basic level, there’s a little activity I do with folks and I have two statements on a page. On the left side is the statement, I am a man and on the right side I am stupid.

So the question is, what’s the difference between those two statements? And underneath, I am a man, we have other things like John is six feet, five inches tall. The building is one hundred and twenty seven feet across, it’s 72 degrees Fahrenheit today in Naples, Florida, and on the right side under I am stupid. We have things like John is an excellent CEO. Maria is a fabulous dancer. The building is chilly. Right. So I am a man, John is six foot five.

The building is twenty seven feet across. These are assertions what we historically call facts on the right side. I am stupid. Maria is a great dancer. All of these are assessment’s what we typically call opinions or personal judgments and Reuben. Our ability to keep these separate is gigantic. These are not the same thing at all and there are very different results that get produced whether we use these will or use them poorly. And in my work, when I do a long program with folks, we absolutely talk about assertions and assessments.

And it’s interesting, let’s you and I right now try to have a conversation only using assertions. Oh, OK. OK, all right. So here we go. I’ll start. I’m sitting in a chair. I’m standing up.

I am five foot 10 inches tall.

I’m five foot 10 inches tall, too.

I live in Naples, Florida.

I live in Austin, Texas.

Is this not a ridiculously, horrendously dull and stilted conversation, we should be far more judgmental and throw some assessments in there.

So what that means is we don’t do this. All of our conversations are peppered with personal judgments, personal opinions. And, of course, assessments are not bad. We must make assessments. The problem is not that we make assessments. The problem is we begin to hold them as the truth, them as assertions. The assessments we make about ourselves can paralyzes. The assessments we make about other people orient us toward them in certain ways that we can close possibilities and be completely unaware that we’re doing this.

Right, have to guess that, right, we are assessment machines, but a crucial distinction is can we make grounded assessments? Can we make assessments that are connected to assertions, facts in a way that we can connect the dots? And also do we make assessments based on any standard they consciously declared standard? So a simple example. If I say John is unreliable, right. For that to be a grounded assessment, I have to have some times in which John did make an appointment.

On Tuesday at two o’clock, he said he’d be here. He didn’t show up on Wednesday at four o’clock. He said he’d be there. He didn’t show up on Saturday morning at eight thirty. He said he’d be there. He didn’t show up three assertions. Absolutely. Now we can talk about what is my standard for reliability. Well, my standard is if you miss two meetings in a six month period and don’t call me ahead of time, I ask you, is unreliable.

I put you in an unreliable box. Right. But it’s interesting how many of the assessments that we make are not at all done in that with that kind of rigor. Right. Right. We don’t have a consciously declared standard for laziness or ugliness or excellence or high quality. And yet we go ahead and make these assessments nonetheless. And my work is this. That’s fine. But let’s have both eyes open because assertions belong to the past and the present.

John missed two meetings in a row in February. That statement sits there, but once I say John is unreliable, did you feel it now swing toward a prediction of his future behavior?

Right. And it’s going to be a lens through which we now manage interactions with him.

If it is Reuben and you know why, I’m going to find evidence moving forward every single time he’s unreliable or late, it’s going to register. Absolutely. I’m going to see it very clearly and I’m going to write off as an aberration or miss entirely when he’s on time. Right. You know why? Because human beings love to be. Right, right. We love to be right. And our assessments are absolutely this is a linguistic trap, it’s a linguistic trap, but if we don’t think we’re making assessments in the first place, none of what we talked about makes any sense at all.

Right. If you think you’re seeing it like it is, I alone have cosmic objectivity in my eyes or like clear panes of glass allowing me access to native reality. Right. You know, Reuben, when I when I first started this work, when I was introduced to this work in nineteen eighty seven, I have to be honest, I actually thought and I was twenty six, twenty seven. I thought in my heart of hearts that if you didn’t, if anybody didn’t see things the way I did, that they were stupid, there was something wrong with them.

I actually thought in my heart of hearts that the way I saw things was the way they were, look, you have eyes, it’s right there, open you right. There it is. And interestingly, I grew up in southeast Louisiana, public school education, kind of a normal family upbringing, kind of a suburban, little bit rural environment, but close enough to New Orleans that we were in New Orleans quite a bit. And so nothing extraordinary there.

But somehow and nobody taught me this explicitly, but somehow I was convinced that I was objective, that the way I saw things was the way they were. And I remember I think there was somebody at that initial workshop, one of the instructors said something like this to me. He said, look, Thomas, you’re a good guy and all that stuff. But if you keep operating this way, you’re going to dramatically limit the number of quality people that will ever be in your life.

Because they’ll go away. And I said, I don’t want that to happen, they said, let’s stay in his workshop, it’s his workshop. But Reuben I mentioned it because I don’t know why I felt it that strongly, but I did. And nobody taught me that it was never part of a school class. It was never part of anything that I experienced. But I just felt it so, so strongly that I was objective. Well, I think we’re all kind of wired to think that we see the world correctly, right?

We want to have belief in our interpretation of the world was introduced to me and now is is central to my work. People of goodwill can and do interpret things quite differently than I do. Absolutely. All the time. And that is simply the way we are. There’s there’s some biological roots to this work, which is called ontological coaching, that by definition, there’s nothing in the human biology that allows me to claim that I know how anything is outside of me.

All I know is how it is for me. And this is whether it’s Albert Einstein and other folks have said a version of this, we see the world not as it is, but as we are right, that we see the world right. And so people wait long, long ago have been pointing to this. Right. This is part of several wisdom traditions that this is. It goes way back. But I just find it interesting that for me, I just felt so acutely that I was objective.

And, you know, you give me a new set of distinctions. I promise you, I see things differently. You put me in a different mood. I see things differently. You do. You do something different to my biology. Like give me a scotch. Right. Right. Right. Absolutely. Absolutely. So there’s these three domains, right? The domain of our language, internal and external conversations, the domain of our moods and emotions and the domain of our physical body and biology.

And all of these are obviously interdependent, interrelated with each other. But this notion that we are unique observers, well, we’re not a walking, talking eyeball observer. We are a walking, talking bundle of coherency and bundle of congruency between our language, which is internal and external conversations, our moods and emotions and our physical bodies. And we have all experienced this firsthand. I mean, think of it. How many of us have ever felt better, which is mood after we exercise, which is body.

Right? We do. And then when you exercise and feel better now we go to language. Do you not interpret the same flat tire or often comment differently? Absolutely. Right, but it’s this notion that each of us is a unique observer, these three dimensions are central interrelated, and the way that we observe is based on all of them. Of course, distinctions, right. We can have linguistic distinctions. We can also have felt biological distinctions, meaning I live on a little dock here in Naples, Florida.

I can tell when I go fishing, I can tell within five seconds if I have a Jack Krieble or redfish on the line. Because I have distinctions, right, the jackrabbit shakes the head, you can feel it bump up, up, up, up, up, up on the rod tip and people are way more experienced than I am in fishing. Have way more distinctions than that. All right, so we have felt distinctions, you have linguistic distinctions and auto mechanic in a garage, right?

You take your car in and you say, you know, the car’s not running, right? And he says, start it up. Open the hood and he says, look, you hear that ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I said, No, no, I hear I hear a motor is a no, no, no. Listen, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

They have distinctions, right? There are there are lessened distinctions, audible distinctions, visual distinction, linguistic distinctions. And all of these, obviously, coupled with biology, moods and emotions, they impact the way that we observe. And from the way we observe, we take action. And from the actions we take, we produce results both quantitative and qualitative.

So I want to take a moment and split this into two separate branches because I feel like there’s one is the conversations we have with ourselves and then, of course, the more complex conversations we have with other people.

But I want to start with the conversations we have with ourselves, because I think a lot of what you write is really important to folks listening who might say, for example, I’m going to make an assertion that I’ve never had any formal sales training or whatever and then make the assessment. Therefore, I can never be good at sales and.

Right. And it sort of spirals from there.

And boom, you have created a world where you cannot be good.

That’s correct. That’s correct. And so there’s a notion, some basic claims of looking at language this way is number one, we live in language Reuben, we live in language. And by that we mean the little voice inside is rarely silent. Right, I ask a room full of people, I said, who here today has the little voice inside? But every hand goes up. I mean, I want to say, what’s he talking about? That’s what I’m talking about.

That’s the one Mark Twain had a great quote. He said, I’m always in conversation and sometimes other people are involved. Right? Right. And so it’s not just Mark Twain or schizophrenic’s. It’s all of us. So basic, basically. Number one is that we live in language, no exceptions, basically. Number two is that language creates and generates. It doesn’t just describe. Right. And when you put those two together, because we live in language and because language has a creative dimension to it.

Well, that means we’re always creating or generating something. It just may or may not be what we say we want at the other side of our mouth and any any kind of I’m not or I am statement. And it was taught to me this way, not just with this body of work, but in spiritual traditions as well. If you say I am stupid, I am no good, I am excellent. Any kind of I am statement. Get ready for the creative power of the universe to kick in because I am.

Statements are profoundly powerful. Declarations and declarations create individual and organizational context. And if I have a declaration that says I’ll never be good at this, I don’t have I don’t have the background to be successful here. What happens is we set ourself up, as you mentioned, for failure. I find evidence to make myself right. Right. I love to be right. And all the things I do, I’m looking through a lens, not a physical lands, of course, but a linguistic lens, an emotional lens that distorts everything that I’m saying.

And so this notion that that the internal the internal narratives that we live in are profoundly creative. And it’s interesting how and I ask this to people say, look how many of us in this room today, we’re all successful people, professional people. How many of us in the room today have ever found yourself from time to time living in unpalatable conversations? But every hand goes that Reuben, right, everybody has done this right, and that’s because our language is connected to our moods.

A mood of resentment, for example, has stories of victimhood, internal narratives of I’m the victim. This is unfair. I’m going to get you back whenever I can. All this stuff right. Resignation, nothing I do matters. I think I’ll just stay on the couch. All that. There’s a such a strong connection with their moods and our internal narratives. That and again, back to the Big I self-awareness focus. Many of us are terrible observers of our own moods.

And so we really can’t talk about internal narratives without talking about moods, without talking about the gigantic impact that moods have on our internal narratives and that our internal narratives have on our moods.

So this whole notion of, hey, I’ve never done formal sales training, I’m bad at sales, I’ll always be bad at sales. I just had a sales call that went poorly. Now I’m in a foul mood. It all kind of builds on itself. How do we break out of that and have a more powerful conversation with our or empowering conversation with ourselves?

You know, the first step to me is being aware that we are the authors of our internal narratives to begin with. Right. There’s a great expression, Reuben, that event does not equal explanation. Right. The events happen in our lives, the events with with the potential customer, events with our spouse, events on the turnpike, events on the shop floor, write events, events, events, events. And here’s what we do as human beings.

Number one, we make up stories about these events. Number two, we hold these stories to be the truth. And number three, we forget that we made them up.

So what an event be sort of analogous to an assertion, would and our interpretation be analogous to the assassination?

OK. And this notion that and again, it’s not wrong that we make up explanations. We have to because we live in language. Right. It’s what we do. The problem is we don’t see that we’re doing this right. Problem is right. We begin holding our explanation as it is, as if it is the event. We begin holding our assessment as if it is an assertion. And depending on the nature of that assessment, depending on the nature of that interpretation, it can paralyzes.

But none of this makes any sense at all. If you don’t see yourself as the author to begin with. Once we begin to see that we I’m not just reading this, I wrote them, then we can have a different conversation, huh? Isn’t it interesting of all the possible interpretations I could have formed? Isn’t it interesting I found this one? Huh, let’s talk about that, let’s talk about that right? And now is when hopefully coaching can come in, right?

Help can come in from a colleague, a friend, a spouse and say, listen, Reuben man, here’s what just happened and here’s the way I’m interpreting it. Here’s why I’m holding it not with my hands, but with my interpretations. Let me bounce it off of you and let’s talk. Do you see other possibilities here? And I have to say this, Reuben, I’ve been fortunate to speak for over twenty two years to peer groups and the Vistage community, Vistage peer groups, and that’s the power of a peer group, right.

Because you get to say, hey, listen, guys, ladies, this is what happened to me. Here’s the way I’m interpreting it. What do you think? What do you think, are there other possibilities here, because by definition, I’m a unique observer, right? I have a certain set of distinctions. I’m living in certain spaces. I have a certain genetic heritage and biological predisposition. And this is the interpretation I came up with. But this is what I’ve learned over the years.

The movement, the shift from not being able to see that you are indeed the author of your own interpretations. And those interpretations form the basis for your actions. And those actions influence and drive your results. The shift from not being able to see that and being able to see it, it’s an it’s an ocean. It’s a substantial expansion of awareness to be able to acknowledge and accept, see that we are indeed the authors of our own interpretations. It’s a but but that step to me, that’s the threshold.

That is the minimum level of self-awareness that we need to really be conscious about designing our own lives.

When it’s interesting, you mentioned threshold, because one of my other notes that I thought was really powerful out of the book is saying that ignorance is not the opposite of learning. It’s the threshold of learning. And so much of us about trying to always be right.

Being right means that you don’t want to allow yourself to be ignorant. Right. It’s perfect, is perfect.

And instead, we want to be able to be ignorant because then we get to learn stuff and that’s kind of fun. And then we get to see the world in new ways. Spectacular.

I mean, think of it this way. And this notion ignorance means I don’t know what the capacity and again, the power of language I don’t know is a profoundly powerful declaration. And when we declare right. When we declare internally or externally, I don’t know. We’re not describing a state of affairs nearly as much as we are producing something. What we’re producing is called a context or an opening for learning, not physical, utterly and completely real. When we declare, I don’t know either to ourselves or out loud, we create this nonphysical but very real space, this emotional space where now everything else being equal learning is ridiculously more likely.

There’s a and again, looking back, I’m looking at your little emoji or your little symbol, right. The Yin yang. Right. For your your podcast. This is this goes back, back, back, back, back. There’s a Buddhist expression. You can’t pour water into a glass. It’s already full. Right. Right. And this this capacity and when we say when we declare I don’t know, what we’re really saying is I know that.

I don’t know. And that is what we call ignorance, blindness is I don’t know that I don’t know. Right. So a quick and dirty formula back to my engineering days. A quick and dirty formula for learning is we got to get from blindness. I don’t know that. I don’t know to ignorance. I know that. I don’t know. And the way that we do that is we declare it into being we simply speak it. So I don’t know right now something is different.

But, you know, as we think about I don’t know, we live right now in a time of ongoing, relentless change. And given that background of ongoing, relentless change, our ability to learn as individuals and organizations, it’s a ten out of ten. It’s a ten out of ten is gigantically important. There’s a great one of my favorite philosophers around, I don’t know are around learning to learn a guy named Eric Hoffer. He said in times of change, those who are prepared to learn will inherit the land, while those who think they already know will find themselves wonderfully equipped to face a world that no longer exists spectacularly compared to yesterday.

They are. They say the Pentagon is always fighting the last war, and so many of us are make fun of the Pentagon for doing that. But we do a lot of that in our own lives.

We do. And maybe this is men more than women. But again, back to Brené Brown, right? The power of vulnerability, women to use the term vulnerability. Men often use the term authenticity. But it’s the same thing, right? It’s this capacity to be real, to be present with other people because we have a good B.S. detector, Reuben, and we also have an authenticity detector. And the older I get, the more obvious this is my public identity is enhanced, not diminished, when I acknowledge areas that I don’t know.

Right, because everybody has a good B.S. detector. Like I do, like I do, and it’s just taken me sixty one years. To get clear on this, but again and again, when you look at the power of language here, right, we declare beginner hood into being, we speak it so kaboom. And it matters. It really matters

That really struck me a lot reading the book. Sorry to interrupt. I want to because I feel like I’m probably not the only one who has this experience. When you get out in the world and you’re an expert in whatever services you provide, you don’t want to say at least I didn’t want to say. I don’t know. When it comes to questions pertaining to what you do, you’re supposed to be the expert. You’re supposed to have the answers. At least this was the narrative in my head. And as I got older and realized that I didn’t have all the answers and that that was actually OK, and I could say, hey, let me ask a bunch of dumb questions. Everything got so much easier.

It really does. It really does. And I had the same experience Reuben in my work and I think a lot of people do. And it’s just modeling it right. The ability as a leader to model this level of authenticity. Now, I don’t know what I found out by Tuesday and now it’s Wednesday. We’re not talking about that. Right. But we’re talking about the first time it raises his head. Is it OK to simply acknowledge, you know, in this moment?

Reuben, I don’t know if we can talk about next steps. We can talk about finding out. We can talk about a lot of things. But in this moment, I don’t know. That’s a great question. You know, there’s a lot of expressions for it, but I think I’m now comfortable enough in my own skin. I’m comfortable enough where I’m able to acknowledge I don’t know, we’re in ways back in my thirties, perhaps it would have been more difficult for me.

And it takes so much pressure off.

And it makes that relationship easier because like you say, people kind of know when you’re not sure or you are afraid to raise up a bunch of questions because you don’t want to admit that you don’t know. So you leave not understanding what you really need to understand.

You know, it’s interesting. You’re right. And as we think about this, this notion of I don’t know what we’re pointing to is authenticity. Right. And meaningful conversations. And the older I get, the more obvious this is, is authenticity is never let me down. And I want to share with your listeners as we’re talking about authenticity, this notion of what is one thing that we can do to be more successful and what have historically been difficult or challenging conversations, because virtually all of us have our version of challenging or difficult conversations.

And so there’s a couple of ways that what we’ve been talking about here over the last. Five or ten minutes, I think, can be applied here, number one, as we think about this. Conversations of self disclosure are powerful. Right, when we declare I don’t know when we share that, that’s a powerful thing. We know that conversations of self disclosure are powerful in our personal lives. I’ve been married almost thirty four years. Right. Being authentic self disclosing where I’m at right now with my wife, it’s a powerful it’s a relationship building competency.

Right. But in our difficult conversations, one of the things that was taught to me is this. If you have a difficult conversation tomorrow, think like this. No. One, there are no guarantees in any conversation. Be comfortable here. No guarantees in any conversation, given that there are no guarantees in any conversation, the preparation may include something like this. OK, OK, I got this conversation tomorrow morning at 9:00. There’s no guarantees. I know that.

What can I do, therefore, in tomorrow’s conversation that no matter what the ultimate outcome turns out to be, I will have the fewest regrets. So no one, no guarantees, No. Two, OK, what can I do in tomorrow’s conversation such that 10 minutes or 10 years later I can look in the mirror and be OK when we really think about it? And I ask this to people all the time, how would that preparation influence you in the conversation?

Most people say, oh, I would be authentic, right? I would I would lay it out there. Hey, listen, Reuben, I’ve avoided this conversation for two weeks, and that’s my fault. And I apologize. I avoided it because I wasn’t sure how to start it. And I also had a little notion in my head that if I had it with you that that you may misinterpret me and that you might quit. I don’t want you to quit, but the status quo cannot continue.

And I’m just struggling with the way to share that with you. And at the same time, have you understand how much I value all these other aspects of your work? Or some version of that, right? Because we’re saying the same thing, this capacity to declare I don’t know is flexing the authenticity muscle. Right. OK, right, we’re just we’re sharing outwardly what we already have inwardly, and so the notion of speaking into your concerns as a conversational competency to create this powerful conversational space, if you have a background concern upstairs that has led you to avoid a conversation, the conversational competency is to speak into that concern overtly and out loud with that person right up front to create a different context for the conversation.

Well, that’s a good segue into some of the other language distinctions you make. I want to talk a little bit about requests and offers and promises, commitments and agreements. Are we talked about assertions and assessments and declarations. Now we want to change how the future works, basically. Right. And that’s what those other distinctions are about. Did I catch that correctly? Yes.

And they’re also about they are the building blocks, the nuts and bolts, the blocking and tackling of collaboration. Right, there are, by definition, what we use to do things with and through other people, you can make assertions by yourself, you can make assessments by yourself, you can make declarations by yourself. But by definition, when you’re making requests, offers and promises, you’re engaging, interacting with other human beings. And over the last 30 years, my work in this area, in organizations is all around execution, coordinating action, accountability.

How do we actually do what we do with and through other human beings? Well, the way organizations coordinate action, the way they actually do what they do is through people making and managing promises with each other. Right. And my wife’s medical practice all day long, you know what they’re doing? They’re making and managing commitments at General Motors all day long. Know what they’re doing. They’re making and managing commitments in neighborhood pizza joint. They’re making and managing commitments.

And the way that we make and manage commitments is not with magic, is with requests, offers and and and promises. And a lot of my work Reuben has to do with sharing people, sharing with people. How do you actually coordinate action? How do you actually collaborate inside your organization?

And can this also saken this also involve collaboration between a client and and a provider? It is.

And the same thing is exactly the same thing. It’s the mechanism by which we do anything collaboratively. Right now. We can coordinate with other human beings. Well, we can coordinate with other human beings not so well, but we can’t not do it because we’re not hermits. Right.

So let’s let’s walk through these requests, offers, promises, commitments and agreements. How should people think about these different types of language?

Well, there are elements of an effective request that I share with folks. There are four valid responses and there are tools for accountability, like the responsible complaint, and there are also distinctions that are important. So let’s start with elements of an effective request for a be considered effective. I like to say we have a committed speaker, a committed listener. We have future action and specific conditions of satisfaction. We have a time frame. We have context of the the request and we have the mood at the request.

Right. So committed Speaker, are you committed? Are you standing in the request? Are you actually getting the other person’s attention or are you throwing the request over your shoulder as you’re leaving the room? Right. Committed listener. We know what this looks like. The other person is not texting somebody else in that moment. They’re looking at you. They’re engaged in future action. What do you want me to do? And conditions the satisfaction. What are the specific criteria that if you saw that on the back end, would allow you to say, I’m satisfied the time frame.

When do you want it? It’s interesting, right? How many of us are we assume there is a background of obviousness around future action conditions and time frame. And sometimes we misgauged. We misjudge it. That was obvious to me is not obvious to you, the context of the request, right? Is it a context of care foundation? I really care enough about you to step into this with you. This is important Reuben the context also has to do with why I am I making the request, help the other person understand this is what’s going on in the background.

This is the why the move to the request. Right. Often if this is the third time I’m making the same request, same person, maybe playfulness is not what we need. Right, right. So being specific. So these are all in the book. They’re actually in both books. But these are distinctions, right? Distinctions around. These are conversational competencies and elements of an effective request. These are distinctions. How can we make an effective request of a colleague and effective request?

A loved one? Valid responses. Yes. No commit to commit and counteroffer. Right, these responses, yes, is a response, of course, after we all after we talk and all the give and take, I end up saying yes, in which case we now have a promise. This is great. Another option is, after all the talking, all the give and take, I end up saying no, which case? We do not have a promise.

We may have learned something, but no commitment is in place. Option three Reuben to understand your request, but I need to check my other calendar. Let me check it. I’ll get back to you. I’ll have a yes or no by 5:00 p.m. today. Not I’ll get back to you later. No, no, no. A yes or no. By 5:00 p.m. today. Commit to commit and finally counteroffer Reuben understand your request. You want for this by Tuesday.

I can’t do for I can do three or I can do for by next Wednesday. Can either of those get us to a Yes counteroffer and Reuben all we’re doing, we’re bringing some rigor. Right, some discipline. We’re bringing a little bit of a shared vocabulary to the blocking and tackling that goes on every day, the actual nuts and bolts of collaboration. And as we’re moving toward the end of our time here, one more thing I have to say is that a one of the most powerful distinctions I was ever taught is this a promise broken is not at all the same thing as a silent expectation unmet.

These are not these are not at all the same thing. I tell folks, look, if you’re married, this will serve you right. This will serve you.

If you break a promise to me, I’m going to make a responsible complaint. We have a trust issue. I’m having this conversation. But if you just don’t magically fulfill my unspoken expectation. I had zero grounds to make a complaint of you zero. Now, I may certainly make a request of you, absolutely, but very different energy and tone and emotion around a complaint than a request. Right? She’s not just that, but think about this resentment is that which arises when you fail to honor a request I never made.

And how how many resentful people are walking around because then their life didn’t magically fulfill their unspoken expectations. So one of my life lessons here, Reuben, is that what percentage of interactions at work or at home? Are occurring via clear commitments versus unspoken expectations. And the ability to dramatically minimize dramatically limit expectations as a vehicle for collaborative action. Is absolutely on the top of my agenda, right, let’s. That makes a lot of sense.

Now, let’s can we go into the distinction between promises, commitments and agreements? Because they sound very similar to high level for me.

I use them interchangeably now if I use it completely interchangeably. But I know there are some folks that use commitments as a more I need to hear you say I commit Reuben. I commit. Right. And and I’ve been with people that have slightly different distinctions in this area. But for me, I use them exactly the same. If you say yes to my request, we have a promise. We have a commitment to have an agreement or an agreement.

OK, perfect. Now, one thing that I wanted to ask you about as well, because I feel like there’s this very powerful notion in the book and I kept in my head strong, sort of a two by two matrix. And most of us are stuck. And I certainly spent my fair share of time stuck on the right versus wrong access. And you introduce this notion of the working versus not working axis and they’re not necessarily in a quadrant. But I think that’s a really powerful pivot to say, let’s stop thinking about who’s right and wrong and let’s think about what’s working and what isn’t. Now, you also write that we sort of have this tendency to create stories that disempower us instead of the stories that are going to lead to working. Why is that and what can we do about it?

You know, first, the right or wrong grid. If we if we have this notion that all the events occur in our life, we make up explanations about these events. We hold our explanations to be the truth and we forget that we made them up. The notion is most of us, if not all of us, grew up with the understanding that our explanations are either right or wrong, our interpretations either right or wrong. And this body of work has everything to do, as you suggest, with substituting the right wrong scaffolding with the works.

Doesn’t work scaffolding does your explanation Reuben does it work or not work, given the ground you say you want to cover these next 12 months, does your interpretation, your explanation, Maria, does it serve you or not serve you, given what you’ve already said you want to be, do or have in this organization and this relationship is your explanation? Is it effective or ineffective, given what you’ve already said your goals are over these next six to nine months?

Right. Always with some version of given the results you say you want never in a vacuum because everybody is making up explanations and interpretations all the time, because we live in language. And these explanations and interpretations are the springboard for our actions is never the event. It’s always the explanation. And because they do this, moving away from the right wrong orientation is very powerful. We haven’t even collectively agreed on what constitutes right or wrong to begin with. But just like I said earlier, Reuben, I alone have cosmic objectivity.

I see things as they are the reason it feels so strange to talk about effective, ineffective or powerful and powerful or helpful, unhelpful when we’re talking about our explanations, our interpretations.

The reason that the reason that feels so strange is because the right wrong grid is so firmly embedded. Right, the right wrong come from is so obviously they’re so already so firmly and ethically present that moving away from it feels strange. It feels strange, but that’s where this is, that’s where we need to be to be conscious designers of our life is to give up the right wrong framework and to adopt the works. Doesn’t work because we’re doing it anyway, right.

We’re already making up interpretations and taking action based on we’re already doing this. We’re not talking you and me right now about whether we’re doing this or not. Know that the the horse left the barn. We’re already doing this. The only thing we’re talking about is do we see this about ourselves? That’s the starting point, because think about it. If you do not see yourself as making up interpretations to begin with and then you couple this with you not producing some important result that you say you want in those situations, the option for you of authoring a more powerful interpretation, it will never occur to you.

Right, it’ll be off your radar screen because if you don’t see yourself as doing this now, there’s nothing to update. Right, you’re trapped, you’re you’re trapped, there’s nothing to update. So back to the big guy, self awareness metaphor, right? The first step, the first step is we have to be able to see we have to be able to acknowledge. We have to be able to to understand that we are we live in language.

The little voice is rarely silent. And that those interpretations that we live in, that we made up, that we hold to be the truth and and that we now forget that we made up those interpretations. These are the drivers of the actions we take in the world. And the actions we take in the world produce results in the world, quantitative and qualitative results in the world, but it all begins. It all begins with our interpretations. But none of what we’re talking about makes any sense at all.

If you don’t see yourself as doing this to begin with. Sure, why do we tend to make up stories that disempower us instead of ones that are going to work well for us? You know, I do not know. I do not. Well, I will share this. Somebody mentioned this to me, taught this to me. And it has an interesting, interesting thought. Go back to prehistory. Go back to when human beings way, way, way back before written history, human beings way, way back on our planet.

Human beings were first, I guess, living in caves or doing whatever we did right way back, way back, back in those days, if you heard a rustle in the reeds. And assertion, and you had the assessment, it was a mouse. You often got eaten, right? So over time, people with artificially ungrounded rose colored assessment’s, they didn’t make it to the gene pool. So there is a healthy skepticism, people that kind of interpreted kind of and thought that maybe it’s the worst thing, they tended to live.

They tended to live because they didn’t get eaten, and I have no idea how much this actually plays out in our lives as modern people, but I do know that scientists and geneticists will tell us that we carry a genetic history with us. Right. We carry in our genes and our biology in those three circles, mood, body language. We carry genetic predisposition and biological history. And so I don’t know Reuben. I don’t know. But I think that that makes sense to me.

I think that’s a great interpretation. And I think it also has something to say about some of our interpersonal reactions, because as social creatures, not only is there a risk of being eaten by a lion, but there’s a notion of getting rejected and losing status within a group that can lead to lower chances of survival and reproduction and so on. And I think we carry some of that with us into our conversations, especially conversations that we think of as hard, where there’s a chance of what we consider rejection, sales, relationships, whatever it may be.

Well said. I am thankful for the invitation to be part of your your podcast. It’s been a pleasure meeting you and getting to know you. And I have to say, I’ve never been on a podcast with a sip of scotch before, so this is fantastic.

Well, you know, I’m all about opening up new distinctions and new ways of seeing the world. Thank you so much for your book. In your time, we’ll have the show notes up. Check it out. Language in the Pursuit of Happiness.

Chalmers Brothers, thanks so much, sir. We’ll talk to you soon. Thanks for listening, if you have a friend who would benefit from this episode, please pass the word along, have a friend who wouldn’t benefit but you haven’t talked to in a while. Give them a call. iTunes reviews are great to get the word out and help me create the show that’s most useful to you. And if you’re frustrated with your sales and marketing process or lack thereof, check out Mimiran the CRM for people who hate selling until next time.

The Wine Whisky

Chalmers enjoyed some Balvenie 14 Carribean Cask (picks up some rum flavor from the barrel– I don’t even like rum, but this is probably my favorite Balvenie).
I had some Oban 18. Yum.

Where to find Chalmers…

Language and the Pursuit of Happiness

Also, if you liked this episode, you’ll probably enjoy Oscar Trimboli’s discussion of Deep Listening.


Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com, the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients and would love some help getting more, but hate “selling”, (Mimiran also makes it easy to track and grow referrals). You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on Android, or Player.fm.

Want a way to make sales and marketing fun, without being “salesy”? Try Mimiran, the CRM for people who hate “selling”.

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052: Mike Capuzzi on how to use short, helpful books to market Main Street businsses

Mike Capuzzi

Mike Capuzzi got an engineering degree, went to work for a software company, became part of the marketing department when the company decided to create a marketing department. He then started his own marketing company (along with a couple other companies).

His main venture is called Bite Sized Books, and the idea to help “Main Street Businesses” create short, helpful books (“shooks”) as sales devices for business owners like lawyers, dentists, consultants, and other services.

In this episode, Mike shares:

  • How he got his first clients.
  • How he read a book by Dan Kennedy that changed his whole approach and led him to partner with Kennedy to build a great in-person event that led to lots of business (and how he didn’t have to be a hot shot to do it).
  • How he realized that the traditional authority play for business leaders (like Rusty Shelton mentions in this episode) doesn’t fit with “Main Street Business” owners and what they should do instead.
  • Why “less is more” when writing and reading books.
  • How changes in digital publishing make it relatively cheap and easy to use short, helpful books as promotional materials.
  • Why your book needs a good call to action.
  • Why Mike thinks “shooks” are the best marketing investment a “Main Street Business” can make. (Mike and I also discuss how the shook compliments other marketing approaches.)
  • The most important thing for distributing your shook: not Amazon (most of his clients don’t even list their books on Amazon), but OPC (Other People’s Customers). Mike gives an example of how to use OPC to get the word out for your business.

052 Mike Capuzzi on using short helpful books for marketing for Main Street Businesses.mp3 – powered by Happy Scribe

Love helping your clients, but hate sales and marketing. But somehow you ended up with sales and marketing responsibilities. Then this is the podcast for you, chief nerd Reuben Swartz here. And I spent a long time learning these lessons the hard way. And I want to help you learn them the easy way by sharing my experiences and talking with brilliant people who have figured out how to hack not just the code, but the sales and marketing process as well. Of course, as a nerdy person who hated struggling with complex CRMs, I had to create my own CRM for people who actually hate selling, which sounds like an oxymoron.

But if it sounds interesting to you, check it out at Mimiran dot com (www.mimiran.com). That’s m i m i r a n dot com and whether or not you need a new CRM. You’ll find proposal templates and sample lead magnets to help you grow your business. Now let’s get to it.

Today I’m super excited to have with me Mike Capuzzi. He is the well he is the Mike Capuzzi of Mike Capuzzi dot com. He’s been doing marketing and consulting for over two decades. He’s also the owner of bite sized books and we’re gonna get into that in a second. But he did not start off thinking he was gonna become a marketing consultant, quite far from it. And we’ll get into that in just a second. But first, let’s get to the important stuff.

Mike, welcome to the show. And what do you have in your glass?

Hey, Reuben, thank you very much. And as we just kind of thanking you, is is kind of neat that I get to drink a glass of wine. A little earlier than I normally would, but I have a barrel aged cabernet sauvignon.

Okay. Yeah. So somebody makes it.

It’s called it’s from at least the one barrel works. Okay. Yeah. That’s the name of this one.

You know, just in case someone’s really into about half like Barrelhouse. Okay.

I like to leave it in the show notes so that you’re like, gosh, you know, maybe it was the wine that that caused that brilliant train of thought. They can go find the exact same wine. I’m about to pour myself a glass of Murphey good California Pinot Noir.

And it’s OK if I slurp. Then right on your show. Absolutely. Slurping is allowed.

Slurping is allowed. Cheers. Welcome here. Thank you.

And that’s a great way to start the evening slash afternoon before long before you were somebody who wrote I believe it’s seven or eight books.

Are you up to now. Nine acts. Nine. OK. I can’t even keep up.

Before you did all that, before you helped other people write books. Before you did all this marketing consulting. Take us back to what you were doing. Yeah.

And it’s relevant to your background, even in that I am a graduate from Penn State University with a degree in industrial engineering. I actually went to Texas A&M for a year for marine engineering. So marine structures. But back in the 80s, being that far away from home in Pennsylvania was just too much. So I transferred, went to Penn State, graduate with a degree and for a couple years, right out of college, I had the good fortune of being able to be employed by an engineering company doing engineering work.

But I, you know, got a little tired of that and joined a fledgling, rather young software company back in the day. I was employee number 57. It’s now up over probably 5000 employees. It’s they’ve just gone huge. And it was an engineering software company that did computer aided, designed to be started crafting a company called Bentley Systems.

And I was in a technical role there, but then moved into they were just a strictly a development house and they had to start doing marketing of the software. So we formed a marketing team and I was one of the founding members of that marketing team back in the mid 90s.

And, gosh, traveled the world, met the woman who is now my wife at that company. And it was a very cool ride, but I always had the entrepreneurial itch. And right now the middle of a dot com bubble, I left that software company and started a software marketing consulting company.

So let’s go back to you’re an engineer at this company, full engineers. They’re like, we need to market this stuff. I know Mike looks like he knows something about marketing. How does that happen?

Why didn’t they hire outsiders or more recruit some people who knew marketing? Why did they pick engineers to do the marketing?

Well, you know, I think the first thing they did right, they did have people they were bringing in from outside that were employees. But they we were a young company. I always likened it to like a speedboat back in those days. So we are very agile and the opportunity just arose.

And the gentleman who was the vice president of the the marketing group just reached out to me. I was always very good on, you know, interacting with clients. I was speaking at various training events. So is this something you. Yeah, a lot of the guys that were coding, which I was not a coder. I was not a developer. You know, they just wanna stay behind their screen. I was I was happy to be talking to people.

So I always had an interest in marketing and copywriting, in persuasion and just, you know, how to, you know, tap into people’s emotions. So they know we are likely to buy. So there was just always an interest of mine and it was a perfect seque from a technical role into a marketing role. Okay.

And what were you doing in the technical team before the marketing stuff started?

I was doing tech support. OK. Yeah.

And so. So now you’re striking out on your own. You’ve always wanted to do it. What made you say now’s the time to do it? And instead of doing a tech support company, I’m going to do a marketing company.

Yeah, well, at that point I was in a marketing role for almost five years. So I you know, I’d gotten bit by that bug. And, you know, it just the timing was my wife and I at that where we were at that point. We were married, no kids. And it was you know, she had a really good job also in software. And, you know, we just said, hey, this is a good time.

If if it didn’t work out, we always bounce back on her her salary and benefits. But the good news is, I was I will kind of take off and do well with it for a number of years.

OK. And how did you find your first clients?

You know, the old fashioned way of just relationships. So I can remember the first client who’s a former… So in my role in the marketing role of the software company, I had a team underneath me.

I rose up to like a director level. So I report to the V.P.. And then I had a team of people. It was one of my guys that was left. That company went out and joined another company who brought me into that other company. So that’s that’s how I got my first client. It was I had them for about a year and they were a startup software company that I think eventually got bought out. I’ve lost track of it is over 20 years ago now, but I think they eventually got bought out.

OK, working those relationships, not just the first one, but I’m guessing the first few clients, they came through your existing network.

All of them did.

As a matter of fact, all I had again, I was very fortunate and, you know, did good work. And it was a small I wasn’t looking to have this huge marketing company. I don’t even today I’ve always had this. I like keeping it simple, lean and. Yeah.

But I worked with some awesome software companies for a number, you know, for five or six years during the dot com days when things were just amazingly lucrative and in and beyond that. All right.

I think that’s really important. I think so many people are a little bit shy about reaching out to the people that they already know and saying, hey, this is what I’m up to if you or anyone, you know needs this kind of thing. And by the way, who can I connect you with? You don’t have to always do things the hard way, right? People already know you and they like you and they trust you, but they have no idea what they’re what you’re doing because you started something new. They can’t give you money and you’re depriving them of your talents. Yeah.

I mean, most definitely. And it’s you know, there’s so many I call them shiny objects in the marketing world, in the online world and the social media world and listen, they all have their place. But there’s nothing like what you and I are doing right now. You know, breaking you know, we’re not necessarily eating together, but breaking bread and just getting to know each other. And you just never know.

And and, you know, you and I were chatting a little before we started the podcast. But even just today, earlier today, a very well known I mean, world renowned marketer, business expert. I reconnected with him and he invited me out of the blue. I mean, this is out of the blue.

I had talked to him since 2013 and he invited me to speak at his one of his events in 2020. This just happened in the last few hours. And it’s just again, it’s amazing when you have those relationships. Shame on me for maybe not doing a better job, even staying in better contact with him. But it’s just need how that works out. Yeah.

I’m going to seque into something that’s a little bit self promotional here, so I apologize. But it’s this is such an important topic that I actually baked some of this into my software because I was having this problem and a lot of my customers and friends were having this problem, which, like you spend all day kind of doing the urgent stuff and then you want to have a life. And so some of those less urgent relationships like the person you haven’t talked to since 2013, you just don’t make the time to keep them fresh and vital.

And being a techie person, being introverted, it was easy for me to pretend like I was doing that on social media. And I realized it’s not the same thing. It’s like eating all fast food. You have to eat nourishing food if you want to be nourished.And so I literally baked in the ability to say, OK, this person, you have to you want to talk to them every how many days and you can put a number in more than 365.

That’s awesome,

because I knew that if I’d be like, well, I could talk to this person every five years, whatever. Right. And like, no, the whole idea is if they’re not worth talking to every year, what am I doing with them? Right. I don’t have enough time for everybody. I want to make time for the people who are awesome.

There’s so many awesome people that I don’t keep up with as much as I should. So anyway, yeah, it’s funny because we’re here to talk about like marketing and technology, all the stuff that so much of it just comes back to relationships.

Without a doubt. And the fact that you can help automate it because we all need reminders. Right. No matter what our best intention is or, you know. So I think that’s very cool. Is there a name for that feature? Because that’s a very cool feature. I love it.

No, maybe you can help me coin a name for it. That would be awesome. Just really like you tag your contacts and based on right tags, it tells you when you should talk to them next. And so I would go in and say, who’s overdue for a conversation? Right.

And make sure when you when when that’s in there. The other thing you should do is have it so that it reminds you that it’s your wife’s birthday or spouse’s birthday or partner’s birthday, whatever it is, or there’s an anniversary coming up. Because eventhose personal relationships are just as important, obviously. So any of those reminders. Ah, ah, ah. A good thing.

Well, what’s funny is I have all that stuff in our family Google Calendar and I have for a long, long time. And I’m the one who typically reminds my wife of, you know, her so and so her cousin’s birthday’s coming up or whatever does I know like I can’t remember it, but I have it in there specifically because I know I can’t remember things.

That’s very cool. I love it. Very good.

So that. Yeah. So definitely keep in touch with people. Definitely. Remember your spouse’s birthday and all that good stuff. Now you’re you’re in the height of the dot com boom. You’re signing clients. Everything is good. What happens next? How do you survive the dot com crash?

Yeah, well, you know, things definitely changed and you probably don’t know where you were back in 2002, 2003, 2004, that time period. But interestingly enough, a lot of things happened.

I mean, I was getting very, very nice contracts to do marketing projects, and they quickly changed. And then ironically, the company that I left wanted me to come back. There was an a shakeup there. And some people left and some new people came in. And I entertained that for a while and actually went to work with them as a vendor, if you will, partner for about a year. And we never, never came to terms on, you know, how it would be if I came back as employee.

But long story short, just there was there was things change. Things were changing. You know, there’s things changing even in me personally. And obviously on the business front, I mean, business is always evolving, but not to sound kind of cliche or corny.

I literally picked up a book. I’m a voracious reader. I love reading. I’ve got tons of books. And I picked up a book by a well-known marketer and it just was like an aha moment for me. And I started seeing a new way of marketing, a new way of positioning myself. And that was really, you know, not at that very moment, but within a year it was like a right hand turn, like a 90 degree turn. Reuben Where I just totally took a new new track.

OK, well, don’t leave us hanging. What was the book? Yeah.

So the book was by Dan Kennedy, who is a well-known marketer, copywriter, and it was his I think the first one was the no B.S. — he has this whole brand of no B.S., no B.S. business book.

No, no, no, no. It is no B.S. Direct marketing book. That’s what it was. OK, a little black book. I can look at my bookshelf now, and it essentially just talked about direct response marketing and how that’s different than the kind of corporate marketing that I was doing for the last ten years. And it just it, you know, personalized copywriting and personal copywriting and direct response copywriting. It just I just hook, line and sinker. I just started devouring everything I could read about from Dan and from, you know, people who are no longer with us back from the 20s and 30s and 40s the last decade, and just became a student of direct response marketing.

OK. And so did you start using that to find clients for your firm?

I did.

And what it did was it changed the focus of who I was working with. So instead of where I was working with large corporations, you know, fairly large, I mean, I was talking comp software companies that were 20 million. Seventy million. You know, there was a couple over in the one hundred plus million, you know, decent sized companies. I did get tired of working with the teams that started wearing on me because everything was sort of a you know, it’s like it’s a, you know, decision by committee.

And I started working with more the more of the small and medium sized business owners.

I call them tech called Main Street Business Owners. Even though they may not be on Main Street, per se, but it’s you know, it’s the bread and butter types of businesses, doctors, chiropractors, dentists, lawyers, professional services, software developers, small ones. And really just helping them implement specific types of marketing campaigns.

It’s funny because I had a sort of similar transition from large corporate clients to smaller. I like that Main Street business moniker.I don’t know what I what I call mind, but did use focus decide to focus on them, or were they the ones who happened to respond to your your outreach. How did you how did you shift that market?

Yeah, no, I decided it was definitely a decision. And again, you know, it’s funny how life happens. A lot of different things kind of happen. So and you probably didn’t know this because we didn’t talk about it nut because, well, I essentially became a business partner with Dan Kennedy and he had a business partner named Bill Glaser at the time.

And what they did was they established. So in his book, this is this is how it worked out in his book. And if you know anything about Dan, he always makes offers in his books. But he in his book, he said, listen, we are going to be starting local chapters where people of like minded business owners can get together and talk about marketing. Right. So I’m reading this in this book. And it gives you a number to call to find out where the local chapter was.

I called the number. You know, I’m outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They’re like, oh, we don’t have anybody there. But you sound like you’d be perfect. Right. Long story short, I became their their their business director, their independent business adviser in Philadelphia.

OK. And that was a springboard. It turned out, in the Philadelphia area. There was a huge appetite for people who followed Dan and Bill.

And I quickly became you know, there was about 100 of us around the country at the time I was in the Philadelphia area.

And I quickly grew up to be the biggest, largest, most successful one for several years. I would get 70, 80, 100 people, business owners each month coming out, too. It started out at a hotel. And then I went to a local university and rented a room and just every month got together for marketing. I’d bring him guest speakers. It was just it was it just. And then Reuben, which is really it probably appropriate for your listeners, without even asking for clients, I got clients because I was in the front of the room. I was leading a group. You know, people saw me as an expert. And I just I think just grew my business for five years before I sold that business.

So a couple of things, pop, pop, into my head here that I think I’d like to highlight yet. One is I feel like a lot of the folks listening to this and myself included, we have an inordinate desire to make things hard as opposed to, hey, this guy, Dan Kennedy, seems like he’s blow it up. Let me hitch a ride on his rocket ship. Let me do something that that is going to let me swim downstream and let somebody else do so much of the overall marketing support for me.

And then the other thing you did is brilliant that I want to ask more questions about you used live events And you got 80, 100 people to show up to them. Tell me more about that. How did you get all these busy business owners to take time out of their day to come join you, to hear you talk about marketing?

Well, and I’ll take one step back. I’m a nerd, too. I’m an introvert. Right. I one of the reasons I took this opportunity. And again, remember, I called to find out how I could just attend that thing. Right. And because of my background, they said, hey, you know. And by the way, the gentleman who signed me up for that.

That was in 2006. I just talked to him yesterday. We’re still friends today. He’s in his 70s now. He’s retired. But, you know, we’ve remained friends for all those years.

But, you know. The the idea of just getting out, there was something I wanted to learn to be a better public speaker. I wanted to learn to be a better person from the front of the room. I had done technical presentations for years, but now I was leading a group and I didn’t know what I didn’t know, to be honest with you. I said there were like 100 of these chapters around the country. So they’re all around the country.

And the other people I met these because we would do trainings together and share best practices and stuff. And a lot of these, most of them were men — it was a couple women that were doing it. But most of them were very experienced, very successful in their own niche. And, you know, they kind of looked at me like, who’s this guy? Because I was coming in new. And it turns out just my style. I was very I was always concerned about making sure every meeting was value packed because, like you said, I had people driving, too. I had people coming on a train from New York City to come to Philly for a night and then head back later on that night.

And, you know, things. Simple things, right? I tried, you know, everyone’s name. So whenever someone walked in the door, you know, hey, Reuben, how are you doing? I try to remember something personal. You know, I try to have great content. I try to bring in great guest speakers from time to time. And now this is from 2006. And I sold it to a member in 2011. So for five years, I never I missed one meeting in five years because of the snowstorm.

But, yeah, we my largest meeting was 323 people. And, you know, on average, at its high point, it was probably 80 or 90 a month.

How did you get these people to come? Were they on a mailing list originally?

Well, originally it goes back to when I joined this group with Dan and Bill. They they knew they had X number of people from the Philadelphia area. So they promoted me initially. And then it really grew by word of mouth.

You know, business owners that are marketing oriented, love to share. They loved. I mean, it was always like bring a guest. I had people bringing guests. And it just it grew so organically.

Reuben If I tried to replicate it today, I don’t I don’t think I could. It was just the timing was great. This is really before social media really kicked in. There was a hunger, there was a hunger for business owners to come to a place and learn good, smart, effective marketing.

Well, I think there still is. I think it’s not like the absolute has gotten very confusing. But now you can do it online. Now you can do it through podcasts that you could do through webinars, even though I still think face to face is critical. It’s just today it does seem like it’s a bit harder to get people, you know, to get in the car and drive. I mean, it’s in Philadelphia traffic.

That’s awesome. All right. So so you do that and then you sell this business and then what happens?

You know, just the typical journey. I you know, I started during that time, I I credit my own little software product, a product that kind of became a software product, which really put me on the map internationally. And that was a product copy doodles, which allows you to add handwriting and handwriting doodles to your marketing, which is a response mechanism. There’s a there’s a whole whole theory about why that kind of thing works.

But that literally put me on the international stage. I mean, I was speaking. I was. People were inviting me to speak at conferences, on webinars. We, that, business just blew up. I mean, we it was a very cool story. You know, thousands of members around the world. And even today, you know, we still have several hundred members that still use our our system. That was that.

So that was one thing. One pathway I took I started a marketing– I don’t know if I told you this, but did start a marketing automation company, which I still have. I have it with a couple partners. And we are in the unique niche of helping, of all things, independent mattress retailers with marketing automation. So don’t laugh.

Awesome. That’s a great niche.

So we have that and we help these guy, you know, retailers. I mean, Main Street business owners. Unfortunately, a lot of them don’t have the luxury of, you know, being aware of or tapping into stuff that geeky guys like you and me, you know, live and breathe. So when you tell them, hey, you know, someone obscene on your Web site, you can send automated personalized e-mails and get them to do things. And then if they do it, then you can track them and all this. They’re like, wow. Yeah, they never heard of that. Right. So when, you know, it’s kind of showing them fire for the first time. So we still have that business. I still have a consulting business. I still work with clients. And, you know, and then the other thing, as you well know, is I help some of my clients write their own little short helpful book. So I have a fun business and it affords me a kind of lifestyle that I like to have. And it’s it’s it’s it’s a good thing. Plus, I get to meet guys like you. Well, that’s that’s very nice of you. How’s that line working and must be working well. It’s working well now. Yes. Thank you.

Speaking of which, I have in my hands right now your Main Street Author book, short, helpful book or schook, as you call it. What should people know about this? And for folks who have been listening, you may be familiar with — we had an episode on a little while ago with Rusty Shelton, who talked about the importance of the importance of authoring a book and becoming an authority and how that can really help your business. And I think for a lot of people, they think, well, yeah, that’d be great, but, gosh, writing a book is so hard. I might be one of those people. Just just full disclosure for people who heard me promise, Rusty, that I was writing a book. I have done nothing to actually get started on that. But anyway, tell us a little bit more about this short, helpful book notion.

And by the way, Reuben, I did hear that interview and I think that was just about a year ago. So, yes, you are so bad. Yeah, well, maybe instead of thinking about writing a book, you should write a short, helpful book.

All right. So this is going to be a really, really interesting conversation with me, paying very close attention and taking detailed notes. All right.

So it I love how you’ve orchestrated this because it all ties together. Remember, I’m an engineer. I love, I’m still that kind of person. I still love this probably overengineer is a better word.

But I love looking at something, trying to figure out better ways, which is why Copy Doodles was created. I mean, I was literally back in the day and so are a lot of people hand writing and doing the doodles and stuff on it. I figured out a way to use less software. Do it for us. Right. So I’m a firm believer if you study the history of successful people, even for this ideal past hundred years in the business world, let’s say that because obviously, you know, books go back much further than that.

But if you study successful people, odds are they have at least one book and chances are to have multiple books. OK.

So, you know, in today’s environment, you see a lot of gurus, a lot of online marketers touting their books. And they’re doing that because it works. It works as a lead generation offer. It works as a authority establishing, you know, opportunity. But, you know, for Joe average business owner, who could probably figure out a way to use a book, if he doesn’t, he or she just knew what to do. There’s a big void, in my opinion.


So if you’re a big CEO or a big time guru and, you know, stroking s $50,000 check to help somebody someone help you write a book is not a big deal. There’s opportunities out there. But for what I call the main street business owner, the doctor, the lawyer, the chiropractor, the dentist who could benefit from a information first strategy which books afford.

Right. So books are informational devices. And if you have the type of product or sale or service that’s a bit complicated or needs some explanation or needs some positioning books work now quickly. Most books, in my opinion, are bloated.

I love to read and I still find it a struggle to read a two or 300 page book with everything else I have going on.

Right. So I started thinking, why not? You know, why does it have to be a two or 300 page book? It doesn’t. So I came up with this concept of the schook, which stands for Short Helpful book. They’re roughly 12 to 15 thousand words, which equates to about one hundred to a hundred twenty pages. There are real books, but they’re, you know, like I my Italian descent, you know, my grandmother would say that they’re made with a really special recipe and they have a recipe.

They follow and they just allow the consumer who’s interested in the topic to read them much quicker. And they allow you, the subject matter expert, to create them much quicker.

So, Reuben, you for you to sit down and craft a hundred to 120 page book on one specific part of what your CRM system does, not the A to Z tome, but one specific part.

And then if you need other Shook’s, you just do other Shook’s. I’m telling you, it’s much more doable for someone like yourself to crank them like this out.

And now I’m looking at your book. It’s one hundred and thirty three pages. So a little bit long.

It was that one. The original version was about 120. Yeah. Yeah.

It took me an extra like three minutes to read those like pages.

And then I, you know, as we talked about before, I’ve also got a book in my hands from Maura Thomas, customer friend and a guest of the show. And she’s an attention management expert. And so her recent book is I’m just flipping to the end of it right now. Ninety five pages. And the whole point was, both of you guys are like, I want to give people a book that people can read in an hour because people are busy.

And that hour, if you can recall, what was the last time you read an entire book from front to back? Was recently that I do that all the time.

OK, but I want to caveat that, which is I love a 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 page book. If I’m getting great information, I’m the kind of person who’s like it will tell me more about that. OK, great.

But what I hate is the two to 300 page business book that should have been 20 pages. Yeah, that’s the thing that drives me nuts is like I would give this book five stars. If you had condensed it down to 20 pages, I would’ve paid you twice as much money. Stop repeating the same crap over and over again. Yeah.

And then there’s a reason that happens. But listen, I read books, you know, beginning to end. But the real reason I was asking it was not so much the fact that you do it, but it was more about the accomplishment. Don’t you now you’re a voracious reader. It sounds like so pie.

Not as big a deal, but most people, when they set out to read a book and actually read it, there’s this little sense of accomplishment, like when you close that last page. I read this. I set out to read this. I read it.

So why not make that feeling easier for people so that, you know. Oh, here’s an hour.

It’s undivided attention for an hour. They’re focused on your message. That that in and of itself is a very powerful concept. You know, if you need to have the content of a 300 page book, which, by the way, I am not against big books, I’m just saying for most mainstream business owners, they don’t need that. So why not have. If you need three hundred page book, why not have three 100 page books divided up? Let them pick and choose which books they actually want to read.

OK. That makes sense. So let’s go to, let’s say, the doctor. Right. Like, there are doctors who write books and they tend to be at Harvard Medical School or whatever, and they write books for other doctors or every once in a while they write a book that maybe Oprah tells everyone to stop eating something or other. But why should a quote unquote, Main Street doctor write a book?

Well, let’s if I could, I mean, did it change the question a little bit?


And analysts say a schook, because I want to just clarify. There are reasons to write, quote, a book. And again, most people who write a book, they’re looking to sell the book, whereas someone who writes a schook, a short helpful book, they’re looking to give anything away to anybody that, you know, as many people as they can, you know.

So this is not about selling books. It’s also not about trying to get on Oprah or any of that. Right. So that that that is a different pathway. And I listen to that. You know what Rusty was saying and that, you know, a lot of what Rusty and his company do is get people on that kind of pathway, which is obviously, you know, perfect for people who want that kind of thing.

But for the doctor who has a specific, you know, service in his or her local community and is just trying to get more patients than a short, helpful book that is focused on the pain that he or she is solving is a much better strategy. And these are just to be clear, these aren’t meant to be literary tome, you know, literary masterpieces, they are sales devices, Reuben. They are sales tools. And we are offering great content, nut it is a sales tool and it’s designed to get the reader from interest to action.

It’s funny you mention that, because I actually took a note from page 26 in your book which says “Shook’s are not meant to be works of literary art and perfection.” Right. I think that’s an important disclaimer for people who might be thinking, gosh, I don’t know, I’m not Hemingway or Shakespeare or whatever. So let’s let’s get into the action. The action is they read the book and then they call you and become a client.

That’s the idea for my schook. Yeah. So my Shook’s call to action. So Shook’s have different types of calls to action and then which again, most people who write a book missed that completely. I mean if you write a book Reuben, and someone saying, hey, this is great what he has. I need it. You know, I need to either learn more about the software. I need to learn more about him. And if you don’t give someone the clear next step for the reader to do that, then shame on you.

Right. And a lot of authors miss that. So these are direct response books. They offer reasons to respond. And yeah, in the case of my schook Main Street author, it’s all about trying to get, you know, people who are reading it say, hey, you know, yes, I could do it on my own. That’s an option. Which is why the boy who wrote the book, here’s how to go do it. But if you want the fast track, you know, reach out to Mike and he can help you.

You also I mean, talk about doctors and lawyers and other folks just so we’re not just talking about you or me, for that matter. Like, suppose I’m a doctor, suppose I’m a lawyer, I’m an estate planning attorney or something. Right. I can write a book about how, I don’t know, “a shook”, sorry– a shook about estate planning for people with stepkids or something. Am I getting the idea right?

Yeah, I don’t. Yes. So let’s let’s go to the estate planning one, because I actually have 35, 36, 37. Estate planning clients, lawyers and our clients, and we are now working on a third schook, so we crafted Shook’s on Alzheimer’s disease, people who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. We crafted a schook on that for the person who has to care for the person with Alzheimer’s. Right. So two distinct audiences. And now we’re actually going down a little bit deeper and focusing on dementia, which is a form of Alzheimer’s. So, yeah, I mean, these are, again, helpful information. You know, here’s things to be- you should be doing, you know, things. Be aware of what you know. But, you know, it’s book ended. Good, helpful information is book ended by. Here’s what to do next– Call my law practice, you know, an initial consultation.

Now, here’s something that I think you and I probably are very philosophically aligned on. But I’m curious to get your your take. I’m often telling people that their e-books, it’s sort of like the 30 to 40 page PDF document are terrible and they’ve spent a ton of time and money on design. And I can’t read the damn thing on my phone. And of course, I’m biased because my software wants nothing to do with that stuff. I’m like, just give him like at an eight point checklist that they can actually read in five minutes. And I feel like the schook has almost like the next level beyond that, like, OK. Instead of sending someone an e-book that they can’t read where they want to read it, you give him a book that they can read in an hour. Is that fair? Am I understanding correctly?

Absolutely. I’m you know, I don’t know exactly how old you are, but I guess we’re priced similar in age and yeah, I not going to disclose that with at least the first glass of wine. Right. But I mean, listen, the millions of people who’ve written books in the past didn’t, you know, become famous because they had an e-book, you know, vaporware, if you will. And again, I get them that they have their place. But the good old fashioned printed book, which is what Shook’s are, the number one format we produce for our clients is a print, you know, a print. We use paperback because these are meant to be cost effective. You don’t want to be giving away a a hardcover book to, you know, thousands of people. But these are paperback books like you’d find in a bookstore. And yeah, people I mean, people, they want to hold it. And depending on your target reader, they may expect to hold it if it’s an older demographic. So while we do do Kindle books and we do audio books for clients, this is still around the good old fashioned paperback book.

OK, now one of the claims you make is that dollar for dollar a schook is the most powerful customer attraction asset you can create. And of course, I highlighted that because I think it’s a very bold statement that I that I’m having trouble agreeing that categorically. But tell me more about why you say that.

Well, simply because people will throw a brochures, business cards, newsletters, you know, all the normal stuff that most people you call marketing, but most people don’t throw away books. So I don’t know when the last time you throw away a book was, but it maybe I should throw a more books, but they always end up on my bookshelf. But that’s why the first thing we are conditioned to realize that books have value. People are used to paying for books. I just bought some more books today on Amazon. Right. So were you conditioned to pay? We don’t pay for brochures. We don’t pay for, you know, a lot of the other, quote, marketing literature.

So just from a positioning and the perception from not ourselves, the authors, but from our readers and the public, there is a perceived difference. You hand someone a try. Listen, I’m one of you and I’m going to stay in contact when you get your book done. You’re sure down whatever you’re gonna do. And you had that first copy out to somebody, a suspect. You know, when you’re at a client meeting or you’re at a trade show, which they make great trade show giveaways, but when you’re there and someone says, hey, Reuben, why should I be using your CRM system and you about your your book, say, here’s why that’s a that’s a game changing difference.

And when when you realize, you know, what that physical book costs, which is a couple dollars, right the actual device. The actual book is a couple dollars today. Now, of course, all the time. And energy is something different. But. For a couple bucks, if you can hand these things out, it’s just that they’re just dollar for dollar. I just think I can’t think of anything better from a positioning. Good content. Good information. Good next step. Yeah, I think it should cause it. Where’s that?

All right. Well, I’m going to just I’m going to pass on that because I feel like we could spend the next hour debating that and not necessarily reaching a conclusion. But also let you raise an interesting point. Right. Which is that these things are like two bucks apiece. And so especially if you’re paying twenty dollars for an AdWords click, for example, which might in some circumstances, I think, be arguably the best money you could spend. You can actually do a bunch of these things. It’s not a huge investment the way people probably think of when that when they when they consider, well, if I had a book, gosh, it’s, you know, tens of thousands of dollars before I could start putting into people’s hands. Right.

Well, let’s go back to your AdWords example for an idea. So tell me, in your world or in your experience what you know, how would a mainstream business owner leverage an AdWords campaign? What could they do? And could a book be a part of that campaign? Cause I know I know what my answer would be, but I’d love to hear what you’re you know, what your thoughts on that would be.

And we don’t have video here, but this is Reuben pouring more wine and thinking, oh, great, I’m really not an AdWords expert, which is a whole other handy other thing.

Any online marketing, though, was it? Here’s what I was going though, with that. I don’t think it doesn’t replace it. Reuben, that’s I’m not saying it should replace. Right. But when you have a book and we sell this to our clients, you know, when you have that should done, what it does is it refocuses the strategy. And I call a schook centric strategy. So now, if you are doing AdWords or social media or Facebook, one of the things that you can do that’s different is you can now have a a bit different, maybe a bit more sophisticated offer.

Hey, get my book, you know. Now you’re running lead-gen ads offering the book versus whatever else they may be may have been offering. So that’s what I say.

Dollar for dollar, we hear so many ways that you can leverage a book that I just thing there’s few other marketing devices that allow you to really, you know, position yourself. You know, it’s a handout, all that. I just I would be hard pressed to think of something else.

Well, that’s a great point about you can run your online campaigns to a book request page or a book purchase page now. So if someone goes the trouble of creating a shock. So what sort of like the minimum number of copies that you’ve seen people create?

Well, the beautiful thing now is today with the way technology is, you know, print on demand just is made. It dropped. It’s either print on demand or Amazon. Then there’s others out there Ingram Spark. But regardless, they have the barrier is so low these days. When I did my first book in 2007, we had a print up like three thousand copies to get the price point anywhere, you know, where it was, you know, doable, if you will. Well, those days are gone. I mean, you can literally upload a book to Amazon, KDP Kindle Direct Publishing. That’s their publishing division. And if you just want one copy of the book, you can get one copy the book and it’s pretty cost effective. So, you know, you’re going to get a hard copy.

You’re going to get a Kindle copy.

It would be a paperback. It could be online. Yeah, it would be a paper, I guess.

You know, I’ve never me look into hardcover with Amazon what they do there, but just paperbacks. I mean, you could literally, you know, you don’t have to get hundreds, thousands or hundreds.

I advise my clients all the time starts do small batches, whether it’s Amazon or a book printer, just do small batches in case you have something you want to change. Sure. There’s no such thing as a perfect book, by the way. You’ll always have, no matter what. How good of a copy editor editor you have, you’re always going to find things. So just get that out of your head. But I like to say start small. You don’t want boxes of books.

What a small mean. Does it mean 10? Does it mean a hundred and a hundred.

I would say minimum typically is a hundred hundred at a time.

So if I, if I ask Amazon for one hundred copies of one of these sort of shook length books, how much is that going to run somebody.

Well, for the author, they have author copies. Right. So for the author, it’s much less costly. So it’s wholesale, if you will. So my Schook Main Street Author is $2.53 on Amazon. That’s what I pay when I order copies for myself.

And then. Do you recommend that people try to sell these or give them away or not?

Well, you can do. It depends. It does depend. But for the main. So we serve two two clients. We serve the main street business owner. We’ve already talked about that. Right. The local service and product providers. We also serve people like I don’t consider you a Main Street business owner, but you serve. Main street businesses. Business owners. So we we work with people like yourself also.

So it’s a little way of getting around and making a little broader in your case, like, will you? You would potentially have a, you know, a worldwide audience because your software could be used around the world. There could be I could contend that there’d be reasons why you might have a, you know, not necessary selling your book, but you could sell your book.

Could be for sale on Amazon, of course. You would not necessarily try to be selling it. You’d have a free book offer or whatever. But, yeah, for the most part, this is not about book sales. The local guy, the local gal, without it, we don’t even put them on Amazon most of the time because they don’t need to be on Amazon.

They just work with a book printer and and give the books away.

So I’m just looking up your book on Amazon right now. You pay $2.53 and it’s ten bucks for paperback. Right. Which is seems like a reasonable price point. Yeah. Yeah. Now. So. So these folks who who are they’re not on Amazon. How do they distribute this book. How do they get it in the hands of their prospects?

That’s a great question, because that’s that’s where my focus and why I do what I do every day. I love it. So, again, they’re not online gurus. They don’t have the ability to, you know, for them to set up a quick online site and do all the stuff. They just don’t typically have that expertise. So the local business owner, however, has very specific opportunities that the online guys don’t have. So they, for example, they have people typically coming into their place of business or they’re going out to their places, you know, to to someone’s home or somebody’s office just like that.

So it’s either or. Right.

There’s that face to face. So that affords the Main Street business sort of the opportunity to have his or her Shook’s on display in the office given away. We always say you create these little pointed point of sale displays where someone can just grab one, however. And I think you’ll appreciate this.

The number one way that mainstream business owners can leverage a short, helpful book. And it goes back to what you and I said way in the beginning, which is kind of riding the coattails of others. I called “OPC” Other People’s Customers.

So one of the best strategies is for a mainstream business owner. So I have a unfortunately just passed away. But a dentist who is a holistic dentist, meaning he didn’t use mercury. So his target market was someone who either had silver amalgams in their mouth. There was very afraid of, you know, the silver stuff in their mouth, which has mercury.

They wanted it out of their mouth. So he wrote a schook on that. And he went out and found about 20 strategic partners, which means 20 local businesses that would have those kind of people in it. Yoga studios, health food stores, chiropractor offices. Right. People that were little more health oriented. And he asked them if he could put a little display, give away the books for, you know, their patients or their customers.

And it got him new patients right away because, you know, they’re at the health food store. They’re the yoga studio, they see his schook interest them and had a good title. And that is a very smart strategy for the traditional bricks and mortar business owner.

Now, was he selling these books or was he just like you pick one up. You just grab one at the register.

Reuben, you know, for the couple dollars to print it up. He was, you know, a typical patient for him was worth, you know, three or four thousand dollars. So for him to give away a five dollar book, he was happy to do that all day long.

Yeah, I’m just trying to make sure people understand what the strategy was. So basically, write your shook and then you don’t necessarily have to, you can distribute it yourself and then run it in conjunction with AdWords and so on, but you can also go find a bunch of people who’d be happy to have a little display in their office because it adds value, and engagement for it for their customers, folks who are who are likely to be in your target market. Yes.

That’s just one of the strategy. I mean, there’s all kinds of strategies we’ve developed for the local business owner to figure out. I mean, there’s definitely online. We figure out automated ways. You know, you can download a partial PDF of it online and in exchange for a name and email. So, yeah, I mean, there’s the physical way with the physical book. And then there’s the digital way with the digital version. But, yeah, I mean, there’s a lot of opportunities forgetting that helpful information in the right hands.

You mentioned earlier that you’re a voracious reader. What books would you say other than that Dan Kennedy book have had the biggest impact on you that you would recommend that folks read?

Actually, there’s a blog post I think I listed like 70 books that I’ve recommended over the years on my blog. And that was a 10 year old blog post. But I’m looking at. My bookshelf, I mean, I love the old school stuff. So if you’re if you’re into really a student of marketing, which I consider myself, there’s a gentleman named John Caples. See APL. Yes. Who I have. I think every one of his books, including some first editions I was able to find.

So John, you know, passed away a while back. He wrote books on copywriting. He wrote books on advertising. I love it. And I just really enjoyed his books.

You know, more more recently. Gosh. Have you read the book? The One Thing.

Yes. Yeah. I mean, I love that book. Those guys are here in Austin.

Oh, really? Yeah. I mean, that’s that’s a great book. I should. I wish I had a headless wireless headset over my my my library here. Well, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.

Yeah. Now what we’ll do is we’ll get a link to that blog post in the show. Notes for you.

Yeah. See, you’re big. It’s probably 10 years old. Most of them are older books. But again, I love you know, I love the old school stuff that worked way back when and tried to figure out how do you modernize it.

Well, Mike, thank you so much for taking the time to join me and share a glass of wine with me and share your story. And it just goes to show. Right. You can go from from being a marine engineer to an industrial engineer to a marketing guru and nine time author. And you never know where life’s going to take you.

Well, Reuben, I appreciate it. Thank you very much. Cheers.


Thanks for listening if you have a friend who would benefit from this episode. Please pass the word along. Have a friend who wouldn’t benefit. You haven’t talked to a while. Give them a call. iTunes reviews are great to get the word out and help me create the show that’s most useful to you. And if you’re frustrated with your sales and marketing process or lack thereof, check out Mimiran, the CRM for people who hate selling.

Until next time.

The Wine

Mike had some Barrel House Cabernet Sauvignon while I had a glass of Murphy Goode Pinot Noir.

Where to find Mike…

Main Street Author Mike Capuzzi

Other books mentioned:


Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com, the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients and would love some help getting more, but hate “selling”, (Mimiran also makes it easy to track and grow referrals). You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on Android, or Player.fm.

Want a way to make sales and marketing fun, without being “salesy”? Try Mimiran, the CRM for people who hate “selling”.

Get alerted when there are new episodes (1x/month):

051: Stacey Brown Randall on getting Referrals (without asking)

Stacey Brown Randall has a system for what so many of us rely on to get business: referrals.

She got there as many of us do, through failing after she started her first business, doing HR consulting. She got her clients through networking and “hustle” and had to work too hard. She’s land clients like KPMG, do the work, and then realize she was starting at the beginning again. That’s an OK way to start, but it’s not sustainable, and 4 years later, she was on the same “feast or famine” roller coaster.

I also got brave and did video for this episode, so you can watch that, if you prefer…

In addition, while Stacey knew her stuff and could deliver for clients, she wasn’t a salesperson, even with a corporate background in sales and marketing. Having conversations and turning them into clients wasn’t the problem, it was getting the conversations in the first place.

Looking back on the failed business, she realized that the only referral she got was after she had already shut down the business.

Researching how to get referrals, it all seemed so cheesy and unprofessional. She didn’t want to ask, pay, or be cheesy.

She realized she needed better referrals when she launched her coaching business and got over 100 referrals in the first year (as she has done every since). She had something like 30 referrals sources, some of whom sent double digit referrals. And she did this without any testimonials or case studies.

She also realized that she had to do some business development every day. She didn’t want to do the networking circuit, especially with a young family (tell me about it).

Then people started asking her how she got so many referrals (without asking) and she realized she had something to teach.

Referrals, Introductions, and Word-of-Mouth

What does a “referral” mean, and how is it different from an introduction and word-of-mouth? Referrals have both of these components:

  1. Involve a personal connection that transfers trust. (An introduction.)
  2. Identified need, in other words, the prospect is in buying mode. (Word-of-mouth)

5 Step Process for Referrals

Note– for this to work, you have to do great work which makes you referrable. (This is the subject of Stacey’s second book, Sticky Client Experiences, which she’s working on now.)

To prove this, you must have received a referral (preferably several).

Assuming those are true…

  1. Identify your referral sources. Do it once– it will take a lot of time, but you only have to do it once. (Easy if you have the right CRM.) Who refers you clients. Stacey says that this list is your business’s biggest asset. (I didn’t know Stacey was going to say this when I interviewed her– but you should check out the Referrals screen in the Mimiran CRM.) You’ll probably have a few reactions to this list.
    1. I want more referral sources.
    2. Who are the people I spend a lot of time with who don’t refer me anyone.
    3. Who are the people who refer me business that I don’t talk to enough.
  2. Every time you receive a referral, hand write a thank you note, that is very specific about why you are thanking them– mention which referral you are talking about– even if your handwriting is terrible (ahem!). Take care of your referral sources– they keep you from having to eat rubber chicken dinners!
  3. Have an annual plan for outreach to make your memorable and top-of-mind. Do 4-8 touches per year. This is NOT a newsletter or sending swag. (For example, Stacey realized that most of her referral sources were parents, so she recognized them on Mothers’ Day with a Wonder Woman water bottle.)
  4. Plant referral seeds. Use the right language. Your touch point details will dictate the language, but be authentic.
  5. Create a process that you can execute.

Note that referral sources don’t have to be mutual.

Also note that how many referrals you need will depend on what you sell and your capacity for bringing on clients. For example, if you need 30 new clients per year, and you’re getting 10 referrals from 6 sources, you probably want to double your referral sources. Look at your referrals over the past 3 years (if you have that data).

Never forget that the referral source isn’t doing it for you– they are doing it for their friend, so they can be the hero to them.

The Wine & Beer

I got to enjoy some Sojourn Pinot Noir from Sonoma California (getting a bit fancy with the pandemic and all), and Stacey had one of the 2 remaining Coors Lights in her house. (We could have gone on longer, because this is such a great topic, but I didn’t want her to run out of beer completely.)

Where to find Stacey…


Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com, the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients and would love some help getting more, but hate “selling”, (Mimiran also makes it easy to track and grow referrals). You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on Android, or Player.fm.

Get alerted when there are new episodes (1x/month):

043 Oscar Trimboli on Deep Listening

This is a bit of a different episode, but bear with me. Oscar Trimboli is not a “sales” expert, or a “marketing” expert, or any of the usual experts you’ll find on this podcast. He’s a “deep listening” expert. What does that even mean? And what does it mean for you?

First, consider the time and effort you’ve put into communication. Speaking, writing, presenting. Maybe not as much time and effort as we’d like, but consider how much time and energy have you invested in learning to listen?

Listening is more important that talking, but most of us have no formal training in how to listen. The good news is that you can listen to this episode (no pun intended) and get some great training that will help you be more effective at work and at life.

In this episode, learn:

  • How Oscar learned to be good at cards despite being bad at math.
  • How he decided to focus his career on deep listening.
  • Why deep listening is essential for good sales and marketing
  • How to shorten the sales cycle
  • The 4 listening villains (The Dramatizer, The Interrupter, The Lost Listener, and The Shrewd Listener)
  • The simple reason we have to listen deeply– the rates of speaking (125 words per minute), listening (400 words per minute) and thinking (up to 900 words per minute) are different– so there’s always something unsaid going through the speaker’s mind. You might only be getting 11% of the picture.
  • Listen for code words that show that speaker is getting to thoughts originally unspoken, like “I’ve just realized…” or “what I forgot to mention is…”
  • Deep listening is actually about helping the speaker get their real thoughts out.
  • Why you don’t want to start with “why?” questions, start with “how?” and “what?” (reminiscent of advice Craig Elias gave in Episode 36).
  • Listen to the silence– give your conversation partner time to think
  • The 5 Layers of meaning:
    • Listening to yourself
    • Listening to content (this is where most listening advice starts, forgetting how important it is to get yourself in the right place)
    • Listening for context
    • Listening for what’s unsaid
    • Listening for meaning
  • Simple advice for becoming a better listener: turn off your screens (including mental browser tabs), and take 3 deep breaths so you can slow down and focus on listening.

If you like this episode, check out the Deep Listening podcast and the Deep Listening book (and the box set that includes the cards)

The Wine

I’m enjoying some Qupé Syrah from Santa Barbara County. Oscar is the designated driver, both for his wine-loving relatives and on this podcast.

I enjoyed some Loveblock (that does not sound right, does it?) Sauvignon Blank from New Zealand (taste much better than the name). 😉

Where to find Oscar…


Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com (the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients and would love some help getting more, but hate “selling”). You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on Android, or Player.fm.

If you’ve ever struggled with a proposal, check out the “official” Sales for Nerds online course on Sales Proposals the Right Way (coupon link for listeners).

Get alerted when there are new episodes (1x/month):

038: Liston Witherill on growing your consulting practice beyond referrals

Liston got his start in environmental engineering, and picked up a lot of sales and marketing expertise along the way. He started freelancing as a digital marketer (“I knew enough to be dangerous”) and started an agency.

However, as marketing scales, it becomes less about individual people and more about numbers. He missed the one-on-one interaction, so he started his current venture, to help consultants scale their practices, making him a great fit for Sales for Nerds, since that’s really the whole mission of the podcast.

In this episode, learn:

  • About Liston’s life work: understanding how people make decisions and why.
  • The three types of consulting founders (and why all of them rely on sales to make money).
  • Which is why you need to invest in sales and marketing the same way you invest in your craft.
  • How you can be more proactive in generating referrals and word-of-mouth type sales, instead of waiting passively for that business to come to you.
  • How to use inbound and outbound strategies together, and why they are both important.
  • To quote @garyvee, “Businesses won’t survive unless they’re media companies.” (Or, as I wrote a couple years ago, every company is a media company.)
  • How to deal with your fear of entering the media world.
  • The one critical thing you need more of to get more clients.
  • Liston’s simple, attainable, really strong outbound sales strategy that you can start doing right now.
  • How to handle inbound inquiries better.
  • Much, much more…

The Wine Whisky

Liston brings some Kentucky bourbon– Ri(1) (pronounced Rye-one).

I was all out of Lagavulin, perhaps my favorite Scotch, but I did have some Lagavulin Distiller’s Edition laying around, which brings a bit more sherry flavor to the peaty intensity of Lagavulin. I think this is probably the most expensive bottle I’ve featured on the podcast, although on a per-serving basis, whisky is a pretty good value. 😉

And, if you’re in Portland and like whisk{e}y, Liston recommends the Multnomah Whisk{e}y Library, where just the Scotch section of the menu runs 20 pages.

Where to find Liston:


Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com (the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients but would love some help getting more). You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on Android, or Player.fm.

If you’ve ever struggled with a proposal, check out the “official” Sales for Nerds online course on Sales Proposals the Right Way (coupon link for listeners).

Get alerted when there are new episodes (1x/month):

036: Craig Elias on Trigger Event Selling and More

Craig Elias

Craig started as a computer science major and ended up one of the top sales people in Canada, with a best-selling sales book to his name.

How did this happen? And what can you learn from this for your business (and your life)?

In this episode, learn:

  • What’s considered a mild winter in Calgary.
  • How he jump started his sales career, even though he didn’t seem qualified on paper. (And how he reflected on this later and the realization it led to.)
  • Craig’s primary sales philosophy: How do I become the first person people call when they have a problem?
  • Where to look for great sales reps.
  • Why he had a lot of price objections when he started, and what he did about it.
  • What he did after he joined WorldCom just as 9/11 was happening, and then, after he became their top sales rep, what happened when everyone realized the execs had committed accounting fraud. It was the first time no one would buy from him.
  • Craig’s 3 big epiphanies about sales:
    • The Window of Disatisfaction
    • Trigger Events (and typical examples)
    • Analyzing wins (and why it’s more important than the typical sales advice of “even if you lose the deal, don’t lose the lesson”)
  • Why you need to use verbs instead of nouns (with some great examples from trucking companies to marriages), and what you want to hear as a response.
  • Why you want to ask “how?” and “what?” rather than “why?” questions (speaking of advice that can also apply to marriages).
  • Why Craig ended up living on Yerba Buena Island in the middle of San Francisco Bay (I always wondered who actually lived there whenever I drove over the Bay Bridge).
  • And much, much more. Even though I had read Craig’s book, I learned a ton, and I think you will, too.

The Wine

After my forced experiment with rosé in the last episode, I’m back to reds with Parducci True Grit Reserve Petite Syrah 2014 from California, while Craig enjoyed some Tom Gore 2016 Cab, his favorite California Cabernet Sauvignon.

Where to find Craig:

Craig’s Book:

Shift! Harness the Trigger Events that Turn Prospects into Customers

Other books mentioned in the episode:

Consultative Selling, by Mack Hanan.

Spin Selling, by Neil Rackham. Craig says that chapter 4 in particular is the best 30 pages written about sales.

And, my weakness in Russian literature is obvious. The quote about happy families is not from Dostoyevsky. It’s Tolstoy– in fact it’s the beginning of Anna Karenina:

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”


Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com (the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients but would love some help getting more). You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on Android, or Player.fm.

Get alerted when there are new episodes (1x/month):

035: Joy Beatty on Engineering the Sales Process

JoyBeattyJoy Beatty insists she is not a VP of Sales. Or Marketing. Even though she runs both teams for Seilevel, a requirements consulting firm that helps companies complete big software project successfully by actually having the right requirements in place. (For people who have never been involved in these big projects, this probably sounds crazy. For people who have, you know how important it is.)

How does she reconcile this: “I don’t see myself in sales. I see myself as a problem-solver.” One thing she can do is put a process in place. So that’s what she did, to great success. Learn how she did that, and how you can do the same thing, without being a world class sales expert, including

  • How she never wanted to run sales, and thought it was a terrible idea.
  • How she applied Sandler concepts (including some learned from Adam Boyd from Episode 3), not only to sales, but also to consulting, including the use of upfront contracts and making it safe to say “no.” (“I don’t feel like I’m doing sales, and I guess that’s why it’s working.”)
  • Why they don’t use quotas.
  • How to get opportunities unstuck.
  • How they defined the sales process (and how you can do it quickly if you’re not sure where to start).
  • How to get people to change and use the new process.
  • How Joy applies requirements consulting techniques to simplify sales reporting.
  • How to keep yourself accountable if you’re doing sales in addition to your “day job.”
  • Joy shares a tip she learned from me (!) about picking up the phone.

Here’s an example of working on the sales process:

Working on the sales process



The Wine

Aime Roquesante Rose 2017

Joy brought some Aimé Roquesante rosé. I am trying to broaden my horizons, but I have to admit I’m having some trouble here. If you’re a rosé fan, don’t let me deter you.

Where to find Joy:

Books by Joy:

Visual Models for Software Requirements, with Anthony Chen



Software Requirements, 3rd Edition with Karl Wiegers (Microsoft Press, like Code Complete).


Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com (the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients but would love some help getting more). listen-on-apple-podcasts-sales-for-nerds You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on AndroidPlayer.fm.

Get alerted when there are new episodes (1x/month):

032 Michael Zipursky on the Elite Consulting Mind

Michael Zipursky

Michael Zipursky didn’t mean to start consulting with giant Japanese corporations in his early 20s. It just happened. Hear how he pulled it off, and how he started multiple businesses, including his most recent venture helping consultants learn from his mistakes (this should sound familiar to long time listeners). Plus, learn to improve your results by improving your mindset, from the author The Elite Consulting Mind. In this episode, learn how:

  • Michael set himself up for success in his early 20s before he got on a plane for  Japan. (He found a niche for helping Japanese companies market to the North American market.)
  • Why he’s fascinated with languages and cultures.
  • Michael learned how to sell, sometimes the hard way.
    • Why people try to rush sales before relationships, and what to do instead (and a time Michael made a bad mistake in this area).
    • How many consultants make the opposite mistake, and never try to actually sell anything. (“No one buys consulting, unless someone makes an offer.”)
    • No one wants to buy what we’ve created. They want to buy a solution to their problem.
    • The only way to solve the problem is to understand it by asking questions.
    • When you understand the problem, you can charge a lot more.
  • What’s holding people back? Usually fear. Fear of making a mistake, the unknown, and being rejected.
    • The Catch-22 is that confidence and competence come from taking action, while people don’t take action because they’re afraid.
    • Taking action gives you the only feedback that really matters– from the market.
  • When we do “take action”, a lot of the things that make you feel productive, because you’re spending time on them, are not actually moving your business forward. Drop those things, and spend more time on the smaller fraction of things that actually create lots of value. We often do things that are easy or comfortable, rather than the things that are hard and actually productive. For example, spend time to meet with people, or, at a minimum pick up the phone and have a two way conversation. Don’t fall into the trap of sending the quick email.
    • Think you don’t have time? Follow the 80/20 rule. Document your process and pinpoint where you are really required. Offload repeated tasks (and your ego).
    • What you can’t outsource— marketing! You have to define your audience and your message.
  • Bonus tip: If you really want to build a thriving practice, stay in touch and make introductions when you *don’t* have the solution they need right now. This is a great way to build trust.


EliteConsultingMindCoverThe Elite Consulting Mind: 16 Proven Mindsets to Attract More Clients, Increase Your Income and Achieve Meaningful Success, by Michael Zipursky.


Other books mentioned:

Other Tools:


The wine

We were on a Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir kick for this discussion, without any coordination. Michael was drinking some Patz & Hall 2014 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir (which is amazing, if you like Pinot like I do). I had the also delicious but less amazing (but much more affordable) Sean Minor 2014 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir.

Patz and Hall

Sean Minor




Where to find Michael:

Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com (the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients but would love some help getting more).


You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on AndroidPlayer.fm.

Get alerted when there are new episodes (1x/month):

031: Rusty Shelton on Authority Marketing and Writing Books

Rusty Shelton

Rusty Shelton has written 2 books, and his latest one, Authority Marketing: How to Leverage the 7 Pillars of Thought Leadership to Make Competition Irrelevant, is about using books to help spread your message and grow your business.

I sat down with Rusty in his Hill Country office to talk about media, authority, marketing, and more. In this interview, learn…

  • How Rusty got into the publishing world, and how he got started on his first book.
  • The “why?” behind writing a book– it’s not about getting rich from selling a lot of copies. (“The worst way to make money from a book is buy selling it.”)
  • Why every company is a media company.
  • Why books are different than other forms of media, and why writing one is different for your brand than other forms of content.
  • 3 types of media channels
    • Rented media (Facebook, etc)
    • Earned media (PR, speaking, referrals, etc)
    • Owned media (this is the new channel that didn’t exist for most of human history, at least not a global scale)
  • 3 types of audiences– the stadium analogy
    • your customer and partners
    • people who have a seat in the stadium, but haven’t bought yet.
    • outside the stadium
  • The big marketing mistake companies make with the stadium
  • How to set up compelling Lead Magnets.
  • How to convert earned media to owned media.
  • Content strategy as your personal newspaper
    • Don’t fill it with ads or op-eds
    • Think like the media, not a marketer– focus on the needs of the audience
  • Why personal brands can be more powerful than big corporate brands
  • How to use visuals to promote your personal brand
  • How your personal brand is important, even for referral-based work
  • 3 ways to publish
    • Traditional publishing with a major publisher, an advance, etc. Takes about a year. Getting harder and harder to get this if you don’t already have a big stadium.
    • Independent– you get the editor, design the cover, etc. You can sell these in bookstores, but there’s more work involved, and you shouldn’t expect to be on a lot of shelves.
    • Assisted self publishing, or hybrid (like Greenleaf Books, Advantage | Forbes Books)
  • Doesn’t matter as much as it used to, but, the book has to be good, and it can’t look like it was “self-published”.
    • You need to have an audio book if you’re trying to reach business audiences. (Joel Block here in Austin help us do our reading, which took 9 hours for 35,000 words, and yielded an 8 hour audio book.)
  • Do an online brand audit– type your name into Google. Are you there? Do the results line up with what you want your prospects to see?
  • What’s holding me back from writing a book?
    • How to “eat the elephant”, and why you don’t need to write a 100,000 words.
  • Sales for Nerds the book– it’s coming. What have I done?!?!?! What would you like to see covered in the book? Let me know on Twitter


Authority Marketing Book CoverAuthority Marketing: How to Leverage the 7 Pillars of Thought Leadership to Make Competition Irrelevant

And Rusty’s previous book:

Mastering the New Media Landscape: Embrace the Micromedia Mindset

The wine

Monte Real RiojaMonte Real Rioja 2009 from Spain. Delicious, a bit of BBQ and smoke. Feels right at home in the Texas summer.




Where to find Rusty:

Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com (the easy CRM for people who are awesome at serving clients but would love some help getting more).


You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on AndroidPlayer.fm.

Get alerted when there are new episodes (1x/month):

030 David A. Fields on Building an Irresistible Consulting Business


David A. Fields shares his journey from a teenager trying to save up money to buy a computer, to becoming a consultant, to helping other consultants with the business of consulting. He recently wrote one of the most useful books on consulting I’ve read, The Irresistible Consultant’s Guide to Winning Clients: 6 Steps to Unlimited Clients & Financial Freedom. (Seriously, read this book, it’s not the typical 20 pages of content and 200 pages of filler.)

In this interview, David shares his story, and advice from his book, including:

  • The critical lesson he learned selling shoes: it’s not about the shoes, it’s about the feet. (This sound really simple, but it’s not easy to pull off in practice, even for some of the 8-figure firms David helps.)
  • How he “fell into” consulting, then got worried because his partner had to quit 4 weeks later, and how “on a lark” he started working with other consultants.
  • Why he loves consulting.
  • Why you don’t have to be super smart, innovative, or even better than the competition. (And why attempts at differentiation probably lose more business than anything else.)
  • You have to show the client that they can trust you to solve the problem without hurting them. (And what you have to do with your approach to build trust.)
  • Why consulting is bought, not sold.
  • How to perform “The Turn” from marketing and relationships (social norms) to an actual sales opportunity (market norms) with 7 simple words: “are you open to a separate conversation?”
  • How to structure and set fees, including using the “heart attack question” to bound the budget discussion.
  • Some encouragement on building a consulting practice: “This isn’t a business about doing things perfectly, it’s about doing the right things.”
  • Plus, David and Reuben get into details on structuring proposals.

A quick recap of the 6 Steps from David’s book:

  1. Think “right side up” (client first)
  2. Maximize impact with the prospects you have (the right people, the right problem, the right solution, at the right time, with the right fishing line) As consultants, “we don’t hunt, we fish”.
  3. Build visibility, with 2 of the 5 channels (speaking, writing, networking, trade associations, digital presence). However, 1 of the channels must be networking.
  4. Connect, connect, connect
  5. Become the obvious choice (“Discovery” is the key here, and will be the title of one of David’s upcoming books)
  6. Propose, negotiate, and close (including how to offer different options and how to handle price objections).


Irrestible Consultants Guide to Winning Clients

The Irresistible Consultant’s Guide to Winning Clients: 6 Steps to Unlimited Clients & Financial Freedom

The wine

Reuben had some Marquis de Calon (Bordeaux, Saint Estephe 2010)  53% Cabernet sauvignon, 38% Merlot, 7% Cabernet Franc, 2% Petit Verdot. Plum, red current, coffee, earth. Yum.

David does not drink alcohol (despite trips to Bordeaux and Italy), but here’s his recipe for irresistible iced chocolate:

1 tbs cacao powder*
1 tbs carob powder*
1 handful unsalted cashews*
1 frozen, ripe banana for sweetener
20 oz water

Blend all ingredients in a high-power blender (Vitamix or Blendtec) for 50 seconds on high. Pour over glass of ice cubes.

*David uses raw, organic ingredients, but it’s not required.


Where to find David:

Where you can find Reuben: @Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com.


You can also  listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on AndroidPlayer.fm.

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