Differentiation is hard. So many folks say what makes them different is “putting the client first” or some such tripe. (Of course we should put clients first, but just stating it doesn’t mean much. We don’t know if it’s true. And it’s not a differentiator.)
A helpful way to think about differentiation is to think about what secret(s) do you know that most people in your world do not, that would unlock great value for your ideal clients?
Much of the background for this episode comes from Peter Thiel’s book Zero to One, which has a chapter on secrets. (I am not a fan of Thiel’s view on government, and I don’t agree with everything he has to say about business, or even secrets, but I think Zero to One is a worthwhile read, partly because his main secret is that capitalism and competition are enemies, not friends.)
And if you’re a solo professional, looking to craft a compelling set of stories (don’t forget your origin story and your “secret”), nurture relationships with journalists, partners, clients, and prospects, check out Mimiran, an “anti-CRM” designed for all this, instead of for a VP of sales to keep track of a sales team. You can also get more training on secrets here.
The Wine
No adult beverages because I had to do this in the morning! (I’m drinking coffee.)

Where to find Reuben
@Sales4Nerds, @Mimiran, Mimiran.com.You can also listen on Overcast, or Subscribe on Android, or Player.fm.
Want a way to make sales and marketing fun, without being “salesy”? Try Mimiran, the CRM for elite solo consultants who love serving clients but who hate “selling”.
Unlike CRMs built for the VP of sales to keep track of a sales team, where contacts are just statistics, Mimiran is built for relationships, networking, and referrals.
(In Mimiran, every contact has an “Ideal Client Profile” and “Ideal Partner Profile”, so it’s easier to make connections for others. You can also track your referrals, and what business resulted. Make follow-up a breeze, and more, with Mimiran’s emphasis on the Relationship part of CRM.)
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